Well-known local media personalities look forward to 2023’s prospects

Veteran actress and performer Thembi Mtshali-Jones is among the well- known Cape Town celebrities who share their new year’s resolutions and goals. Picture: Supplied

Veteran actress and performer Thembi Mtshali-Jones is among the well- known Cape Town celebrities who share their new year’s resolutions and goals. Picture: Supplied

Published Jan 1, 2023


As the year draws to a close, influential media personalities around the Cape shared their new year’s resolutions and what they look forward to in 2023.

Veteran actress and performer Thembi Mtshali-Jones shared how she has found her “black girl magic” in her golden years and is prioritising time out in the new year.

“This year I intend to understand that rest, in the words of @thenapministry, ‘is a sacred birthright’. I work very hard and always have but in 2023 I want to increase resting and rejuvenating well.

“I serve in many ways across the globe, so I want to take the required time out between my work and travelling schedule. I respect my body and muscles differently now that I’m older. This body has served me so well and in 2023 I honour her by giving her the renewal she needs to keep going as I enjoy my black girl magic golden years,” she said.

Cape Town-born actor, comedian and presenter Siv Ngesi said his 2023 new year’s resolutions are the most important resolutions of his life.

Comedian and actor Siv Ngesi is learning to live without his mother. Picture: Supplied

“I have to learn to live a life without my mother and the resolution is to be as gentle as possible with myself, and to understand that grief and mourning is a long process and to be able to succeed is for my own sake now, and no longer about my mother any more.

“On the same hand, (the goal is) to carry on the momentum of booking more international work and trying to spread my wings. One of my biggest wishes is for us as a country to realise that we cannot continue living the way we are living and for us to re-evaluate our leaders,” he said.

Actress Kim Syster, who is famous for various television commercials, dramas and films, has begun learning Spanish and wishes to continue perfecting the language in the new year.

Actress Kim Syster has language goals as part of her new year’s resolutions. Picture: Supplied

“I take forever to finish a book. My new year’s resolution is to read and finish one book a month. I aim to finish 12 books by the end of 2023,” she said.

News reporter Athi Mtongana is determined to gain skills internationally. Picture: Supplied

News reporter Athi Mtongana believes her gift is a God-given gift and hopes to continue on the international news trajectory that she embarked on from 2020. Her long-term goal is to leave South Africa and to gain skills internationally so she can return and impart skills she acquired abroad.

“My new year goal is to enter 2023 stronger and wiser than I was. I want to continue learning and growing and continue having an impact in the South African current affairs,” she said.

Radio host Mamohau Seseane wants to be more courageous in 2023. Picture: Supplied

Mamohau Seseane, who is no stranger to the Cape Town airwaves, having presented Kfm’s “Sunday Love Songs“ for the past three years, said her word for the year is “courage”.

“I have been reading Brene Brown’s work in 2022 and I love how she highlights the importance of seeing and practising courage as a skill and not as an innate characteristic you’re either born with or not. (The goal is) to practise courage, strive towards my dreams, even while afraid,” she said.

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