Tazne van Wyk rape and murder accused gets his day in court

The trial date for the rape and murder case of Tazne van Wyk has been set. SUPPLIED

The trial date for the rape and murder case of Tazne van Wyk has been set. SUPPLIED

Published Mar 20, 2021


Cape Town - Just over a year to the day that the body of eight-year-old Tazne van Wyk’s body was found, the man accused of her rape and murder will answer for the crimes.

Following numerous postponements and delays, Moehydien Pangaker will stand trial, a decision welcomed by Tazne’s mother Carmen van Wyk.

Van Wyk said going back and forth to court was tiring.

“We are relieved that finally the date has been set, I hope there won't be any more delays because we have been waiting for this long,” she said.

She said she does not have much to say at this stage until the trial starts.

She added that she hopes the accused will pay for what he allegedly did to her daughter.

The mother has been traumatised by the incident that saw President Cyril Ramaphosa pay her a visit.

Western Cape National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Eric Ntabazalila said the case against Pangaker has been set down for trial on May 31 in the Western Cape High Court.

Ravensmead community police forum chairperson Zelda Tantraal said the community were pleased that a date for the trial had finally been set, although it took over a year.

“We want to see that justice is served for the short and innocent life of Tazne and that the perpetrator never sees the outside of prison again.”

She said the family also needed closure and they will get it once the accused has been convicted.

MEC for Community Safety Albert Fritz welcomed the trial date set for the alleged murderer and commends police on their successful investigation.

Fritz said: “It is welcomed news that Tazne’s alleged murderer will now go to trial. I hope that this brings some peace of mind to the Van Wyk family who have suffered an immeasurable loss. No parent should have to endure the loss of their child. My deepest sympathies are with the van Wyks, and it is my hope that there will be justice in this matter”.

He said he had requested that the Court Watching Brief Unit monitor this case for any policing inefficiencies which might have resulted in the case being struck off the court roll.

“I am pleased to say that we discontinued this request as the case had been successfully investigated by SAPS and that the National Prosecuting Authority will secure a successful conviction with a sentence that will fit this heinous crime,” he added.

Tazne was last seen on February 7 last year after she left her Clare Street home to buy sweets, a few metres away from her house.

This followed numerous searches, patrols and an extensive investigation into her disappearance.

Residents across the Cape Flats went looking for her and child protection organisations took the lead and searched fields, bushes and all surrounding areas day and night for two weeks.

The accused was arrested on February 17 in Cradock, Eastern Cape, and the young girl’s body was found on February 19 along the N1 outside Worcester, in the direction of De Doorns after the accused pointed where the body was.

It was reported that 20 charges were laid against the accused at the Goodwood Magistrate’s Court last year.

Besides the murder charge, he also faces 11 counts of rape, three counts of common assault, two counts of kidnapping and cases of incest, sexual assault and desecrating a corpse.

Pangaker is a previous offender who was jailed for murdering his son in 2001.

Tazne was buried at the Belhar graveyard three weeks after she was reported missing near her Connaught Estate home in Ravensmead, where she was last seen with Pangaker.

Weekend Argus

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