KZN serial child rapist receives three life terms, 58 years



Published Apr 28, 2020


Durban - A KwaZulu Natal serial child rapist has begun serving three life sentences for raping minor children between 2003 and 2017. 

Phelelani Mazibuko, 44, was sentenced in the Estcourt Regional Court recently. In addition to his life sentences Mazibuko was jailed for an additional 53 years. 

According to KZN police spokesperson Captain Nqobile Gwala, Mazibuko started to prey on children in 2003 where he would get into homes with females only, take the minor to the bushes and rape her at gunpoint. 

Gwala said he tagetted children between the ages of 9 and 17. 

"He would enter the homes between dusk and dawn, armed with a firearm and instruct the older females to wake the children. One of the children was also stabbed during the ordeal. He targeted victims from Esigodlweni, KwaMatshesi and Mphandweni areas."

Gwala said DNA results positively linked the accused to five cases after vigorous investigation by Estcourt Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit detectives.

The accused was arrested in 2018 and was kept in custody throughout the trial. 

The court sentenced him to life imprisonment for three cases. 

"For other two cases, he was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for rape, five years imprisonment for kidnapping on each case. He further received three years imprisonment for assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm where the victim was stabbed."

Gwala said he was also declared unfit to possess a firearm and his name will be included in the National Register for Sexual Offenders and the National Child Protection Register.

The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Khombinkosi Jula commended the investigating officers for their persistence in solving the cases and sending well-prepared dockets for successful prosecution.


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