James Ngcobo takes on Mamet’s OLEANNA at Joburg Theatre

James Ngcobo. Picture: Supplied

James Ngcobo. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 24, 2024


Announcing with pride, Joburg Theatre presents its upcoming rendition of OLEANNA, penned by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Mamet and directed by James Ngcobo.

This enthralling play promises to snare audiences in its exploration of power dynamics, breakdown in communication, and gender relations within the academic sphere.

In choosing OLEANNA, Joburg Theatre recognises the importance of presenting works that confront pressing issues head-on.

Mamet’s incisive exploration of power dynamics, communication breakdown, and gender relations within the academic sphere strikes a chord in our current social climate where discussions surrounding consent, authority, and accountability are more pertinent than ever.

By bringing this play to the stage, Joburg Theatre aims to foster dialogue, encourage introspection, and provoke meaningful engagement among theatregoers.

Moreover, this production serves as a testament to Joburg Theatre’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity in its programming.

By featuring narratives that represent a multiplicity of voices and perspectives, the theatre endeavours to reflect the rich tapestry of South African society and amplify marginalised voices. Through these works, Joburg Theatre undertakes to create a space where audiences from all walks of life feel seen, heard, and valued.

Under the visionary direction of James Ngcobo, this play promises to be a transformative theatrical experience that challenges audiences to confront uncomfortable truths, and interrogate deeply ingrained societal norms.

Ngcobo’s keen artistic sensibilities and commitment to pushing boundaries ensure that the production resonates long after the curtain falls, leaving a lasting impact on both the individual and the collective consciousness.

At the heart of OLEANNA’s resonance are the exceptional performances of Altovise Lawrence and Mothusi Magano. Lawrence's portrayal of Carol brings depth and nuance to the character, while Magano’s rendition of John captivates with its complexity and emotional depth.

Together, they breathe life into Mamet’s characters, inviting audiences to empathize, reflect, and engage with the play’s themes on a profound level.

With previews commencing on August 2 and the official opening on August 4, OLEANNA is set to grace the stage of Joburg Theatre until August 25. Ticket pricing is accessible, with previews available at R150 and performances at R250, alongside special student rates of R150 for all shows.

Presented by Special Arrangement with Broadway Asia Company, LLC, OLEANNA promises to be a thought-provoking exploration of power, censorship, and the blurred lines between mentorship and manipulation.

Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the transformative power of theatre at Joburg Theatre.

For more information and ticket purchases, visit www.joburgtheatre.com

The Star