Open letter to ANC Elective Conference voting branch delegates on saving the ANC, its renewal and rebuilding South Africa

Supporters of the African National Congress hold the party flag, South Africa July 5, 2016. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko

Supporters of the African National Congress hold the party flag, South Africa July 5, 2016. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko

Published Dec 5, 2022


By: MK Malefane

This message is first to you ANC branch delegates who will be electing a new president and leadership at NASREC, Soweto in the coming days.

Just before our mother Nomzamo Winnie Madikizela-Mandela passed on, she had deeply and painfully regretted and bemoaned the decline and state of decay of her beloved ANC (same as witnessed with Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela also just before his passing), if only she could die in peace knowing her beloved peoples movement would be saved from self-destruction and on the path of renewal and be of true service to the peoples of South Africa, black and white and for Africa.

Around October 2017 just before the Nasrec, Soweto, ANC elective conference, she had summoned me to her home in Orlando West, Soweto. “I have an assignment for you in the ANC and national interest”, began our conversation. “You know like everyone else comrade Kgalema Motlanthe has turned down his own ANC Houghton branch nomination and told the whole world he is will not run for ANC president in December (2017) against comrades Cyril Ramaphosa and Nkosazana Dlamini- Zuma, you know his views on the matter.

Unfortunately for him, for us all, seemingly, he is the only solution. Only he, so far, is the compromise candidate and unifier under whom the ANC stands a chance of saving itself. Neither of the two leading candidates, Cyril nor Nkosazana will succeed”.

Even white big business leaders were confirming the same thing, and asked me to convince Kgalema to run for ANC presidency in December for the sake of all of South Africa.

They had even conducted an independent research survey revealing that South Africa was not ready for a government without the ANC. Hence, only a Kgalema Motlanthe led ANC in December 2017 and afterwards South African presidency in 2019.

“I Nomzamo, of all people, failed to convince him but told the captains of industry who came to me, I have one last person I believe can convince comrade Kgalema. That is why I have summoned you here. Will you speak to him and convince him? and run the campaign for him”. I responded I would see what I could do and she duly set up a meeting for me with Kgalema that same day at his offices in Houghton.

Greeting president Kgalema Motlanthe at his Houghton offices that same afternoon, his opening words were that he loved umama Winnie very much and had the utmost admiration for her, but had made it clear to her, his branch in Houghton and everyone else that he shall “not enter the race for the ANC presidency in December……….”.

I told him I fully agreed with him, on principle, given the current state within the ANC and that was not why I came to see him, certainly not to try and have him go against his word and decision not to compete with the 2 candidates but I believed he could do a lot more and greater, by leading instead a campaign, parallel to the Nkosazana-Zuma and Ramaphosa ones, to save the ANC and effect its real renewal culminating on the weekend before the elective conference, with an atonement ceremony and rally in Bloemfontein, the birthplace of the ANC to which would attend not just the ANC leadership with the branch voting delegates the following weekend, but a return of the ANC to the people and to its founders, being traditional, religious and civil society leaders and professionals not only in South Africa but from the whole region.

That this event and single act of mass atonement and re-union would inspire and embolden branch delegates at the elective conference the following weekend, notwithstanding receiving “brown envelopes” (vote buying money allegedly from either of the two Dlamini-Zuma and Ramaphosa camps) to vote with a conscience and new sense of patriotism, commitment and purpose.

That, should after all the work and success of this “Kgalema Motlanthe for Saving ANC and Rebuilding South Africa” campaign, should the voting delegates so decide from the floor, to nominate Kgalema, he would then have to rise up to the calling and not be beholden to any camp and anyone but only to embark on saving the movement and rebuilding the country, with the appeal and support of all, black and white, leading towards the 2019 national elections and beyond.

That evening Kgalema and I went to see umama Winnie who had earlier been rushed to hospital to share the good news and I immediately after embarked on putting together a war room and went on the road starting in KZN, where I met in Newcastle with supporters of both the Ramaphosa and Dlamini-Zuma camps who pledged their support and (promised) would mobilize in the province; and the following day on a Sunday met then Mpumalanga Premier and ANC chairperson David Mabuza who did likewise (you will remember his announcement of the Mpumalanga “Unity Vote).

I also travelled outside South Africa to the region where all bemoaned the decay of their glorious movement (which did not only belong to South Africans but was theirs as well) and excitedly pledged their support and (promised) would en-mass converge on Bloemfontein, for the “Kgalema Motlanthe for Saving the ANC Rebuilding South Africa” campaign initiative for the atonement and renewal ceremony and mass rally the week before the elective conference.

Despite growing support, even with time so limited before the elective conference, the campaign had to unfortunately be suspended and the hopes of the ANC being saved and its renewal were never achieved.

The ANC, seemingly today even in a worse state, can still fulfil our mother Winnie and Tata Madiba’s dying wishes and indeed of all our departed leaders, with the final realization of its salvation and renewal beginning with an atonement prayer ceremony and renewal rally which ideally should take place in Mangaung, Bloemfontein church site of its 1912 founding followed by a peoples rally in the city stadium; but due to time and travel logistic constraints can still take place now in Soweto at either FNB Stadium or Orlando Stadium, led by traditional and religious leaders and professionals, its founding custodians and the proposal is for this to take place on December 15, 2022, the day before the opening of the ANC elective conference.

This event of December 15th will set the tone, and inspire and educate especially the voting branch delegates about the ANC that once was and could still be, if the following week at conference, despite “brown envelopes” they cast their votes fully aware and with a conscience of that which is in the best interest of the ANC and the future of South Africa.

Invited to attend the December 15th event, from all over South Africa and regions shall include:

(a) traditional leaders and delegations (especially the current leaders and families of the 1912 ANC founding honorary presidents: Lewanika of Barotseland-present day Western Province in Zambia, Letsie II of present day Lesotho, Khama of present day Botswana, Dinizulu of aMazulu, Dalindyebo of aBatembu, Monts’ioa of Barolong)

(b) Religious leaders and delegations

(c) Business leaders, educationists and teachers, professionals and civil society leaders; and political leaders of other parties in South Africa and the region

(d) ANC national, provincial, regional and branch leaders

(e) Community and public (as well as the diplomatic community)

Besides (ANC) atonement and renewal, the agenda will also focus on promoting and rebuilding society and the economy of the country with special focus on reversal of poverty, hunger, job creation and in particular the empowerment, role and contribution of traditional leaders in agriculture, food security and economic development.

There shall also be music, dance, poetry and a football match showcase items on the day’s agenda.

Business leader Patrice Motsepe and other ANC supporting business leaders would do well and be requested to co-sponsor this December 15th event.

To you ANC branch voting delegates at the December 16th starting elective conference, yours is the conscience and patriotic vote that shall save the ANC and lead it on the path of righteous renewal and greater heights, or shall put the nail on the coffin of the ANC’s final death by the leadership you shall elect, whether already nominated or as shall emerge from the floor during conference. The ball is in your court.

MK Malefane is the youngest survivor at 1 year 11 months old of the March 21, 1960 Sharpeville Massacre. In the early 80’s, based with Winnie Mandela at her banishment house in Brandfort, Free State, he (working) underground pioneered the launch in Mitchells Plane, Cape Town, on 20 August, 1983 of the United Democratic Front (UDF). He is currently spearheading multi-billion dollar investment mobilization for South Africa and regional economic development.

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