Mogale City Archive Centre a breath of fresh air for community

Published Oct 24, 2018


Mogale City residents were filled with excitement and pride as The Gauteng Provincial Archives Centre official opening took place. 

Learners of Mandisa Shiceka High School wee amongst the first guests to arrive.

About 60 learners were in attendance

Programme director for the day were MEC for sports, arts, culture and recreation Faith Mazibuko.

Mogale City Mayor Patrick Lipudi encouraged people to visit the centre often. Gauteng provincial archives and records services forum Mr Nelson Tshabalala spoke about the process and all the procedures that went into building this facility. Archive Fraternity spokesperson described the archival building as the best he has ever seen. 

“Without Archives we will not leave anything to the future generations” said Gauteng Provincial archive council Professor Mpho Ngoepe.

Mogale City employee Busi Mngomezulu was excited about the opening because people will get more knowledge about public record keeping. 

Community members like Boycie Maneli said 90% of people who were employed are from Mogale City. Community member Nomvuyo Mboyisa said she liked the idea of building the archive centre in Kagiso "as it will be easy for us to access it”. 

Premier of Gauteng David Makhura mentioned that the building process started in 2014 and was meant to be opened in 2017 but that was unsuccessful as the community felt like they were not benefiting from the infrastructure of the archive. 

“This is the most modern state of the art, it is going to be modernise and it is environmentally friendly” according to David Makhura the building cost 355 million and is fire proof to preserve the documents until eternity. The building is going to have digital archives which will include marriage certificates, wills, birth certificates etc."

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