Minister Kodwa to make changes to creative sector after meeting with veteran Chiume

Minister Zizi Kodwa meets with veteran actress Connie Chiume to table matters affecting the creative industry. | Supplied

Minister Zizi Kodwa meets with veteran actress Connie Chiume to table matters affecting the creative industry. | Supplied

Published Mar 17, 2023


Johannesburg - The newly appointed Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Zizi Kodwa, has brought a semblance of hope to the creative industry after a sit-down with the esteemed Thespian Connie Chiume.

Kodwa attended the 6th Royal Soapie Awards, where he met Chiume, who expressed interest in engaging with him on issues in the creative sector.

He also admitted that there has been no consideration demonstrated for the economy of the creative industry, something that the department revealed it aims to change.

On Wednesday, Kodwa sat down with Chiume, who related how her career started during apartheid and its advances during the democratic dispensation.

While the Gomora actress believes a lot has changed, she highlighted that more needs to be done by the department on the rights of the creative sector.

Addressing the media, Kodwa admitted: “I must admit that as a country, and probably as the government, we have not appreciated the role of arts and culture.

“When Saturday I attended the Royal Soapie Awards, one of the people whom I met is Olady. And I thought that one of the people that I must meet, given what she said, is to gain some more information and wisdom from her. I heard some of the most disturbing things that she said on Saturday, which shouldn’t be an issue in 2022. She has been in the space for more than 20 years, but she still gets up in the early hours for auditions on set the whole day. I don’t think that's right. By now, she will be 71 in June and should be enjoying her royalties. She should be acting because she wants to, not because she has to.

“And I am talking about the economy of arts and culture. Most successful companies take arts and culture seriously. And I think we need to get back and make sure that people like her can be used to make sure that they work together. And as you can see behind her, she has a school where she trains young ones.”

Chiume was bestowed with her third Lifetime Achievement Award at the Royal Soapie Awards.

The Gomora actress scooped her first Lifetime Achievement Award at the 16th South African Film and Television Awards (Saftas) in 2022.

She was also recognised beyond the SA borders and bagged a second Lifetime Achievement Award at the Hollywood and African Prestigious Awards in the US.

Kodwa also took to Twitter to express his appreciation for the founder and CEO of the awards, Winnie Ntshaba, further revealing that they will work together to ensure initiatives like these that celebrate the creative arts are supported.

“Sending my appreciation, Winnie Ntshaba, for a well-delivered and artfully done instalment of the Royalty Soapie Award. Working together with all stakeholders in the sector, we will continue to ensure initiatives like these of recognising the creative arts are supported,” said Kodwa.

The Star