Mazwai slams leaders who glamorise drinking alcohol

Ntsiki Mazwai. Picture: Instagram

Ntsiki Mazwai. Picture: Instagram

Published Sep 1, 2023


Johannesburg - Popular activist and poet Ntsiki Mazwai has denounced leaders who glamorise alcohol publicly, explaining that such conduct has a negative impact on society.

This is not the first time Mazwai has spoken out about the dire impact alcohol has on her social platforms.

Known to never mince her words, she is always at the forefront of in-depth conversations and calls out local leaders about their actions.

Mazwai’s reaction was sparked by a video of City of Joburg Transport MMC Kenny Kunene, which also received mixed responses on social media.

She shared a video explaining that the subject should not make it into leadership speeches.

“Guys I see you defending Kenny Kunene and alcohol, basically. Do you realise that this shouldn’t even be a conversation? Alcohol is not a positive thing. It shouldn’t be making it into leadership speeches. That is like if somebody who did cocaine was like, ‘okay guys, I have paid with all my money. Everybody is getting lines after this yey.’

“It is the same thing. Alcohol is a negative thing, guys. It has a negative impact on society. Why do you have leaders who are encouraging you to be drunkards?”

In the viral video, Kunene can be heard talking about paying for drinks.

“I have my own Kenny Kunene vibes, so I have sponsored this production of sound. They wanted to give us a PA system, and I said no. I want proper sound here; we want to dance. So I paid for the sound, but then I said, we are celebrating women. I have also paid for the extra drinks. They are giving you soft drinks, but I have paid for more soft drinks just in case you need more. But after the official programme, we are going to have a bottle of champagne, not sparkling wine,” said Kunene.

The Sushi King, as he is affectionately called, has sparked different reactions. While many are criticising him, others revealed that he is permitted to do whatever he wants.

Social media user @EdgarLegoale said he stood with Kunene.

“I stand with Kenny Kunene on this particular matter. Kunene clearly stated that he used his own money to purchase the alcohol, and the women involved were content; they didn’t have a problem with what he did because it is from a good heart.”

@mafiwa2 said that the conduct was unethical, highlighting that the city should maintain a certain level of dignity and professionalism.

"This is just unethical, not criminal. The city should maintain a certain level of dignity and professionalism, but at this rate, there may be private rooms for the after-party in the name of the City of Joburg. Let us build for the future, my leader.“

The Star