Mashaba denies plan to leave ActionSA

ActionSA’s Hannes Coetzee with party leader Herman Mashaba. Picture: Supplied

ActionSA’s Hannes Coetzee with party leader Herman Mashaba. Picture: Supplied

Published Oct 11, 2022


ActionSA leader Herman Mashaba has denied claims that he would leave his political party following statements he made on the Clement Manyathela show when being questioned about a possible coalition with the ANC in the metros.

In a phone call with The Star, Mashaba said his statements that he would leave ActionSA if party supporters would give the party a mandate to work with the ANC was just an exaggeration to show how much confidence he had in his supporters.

ActionSA was currently conducting a public consultation on how the party should move on with coalition arrangements.

Mashaba said he merely exaggerated to show how confident he was that party supporters would not mandate the party to work with the ANC.

Mashaba also released a statement, refuting that he would leave ActionSA.

“I was asked a question in an interview with Clement Manyathela this morning on 702 on whether I would work with the ANC, if this was the outcome of the public engagement, a process ActionSA currently has under way.

“My response was to say that I could not lead a party that was in a coalition with the ANC. To deduce from this that I would leave ActionSA is ridiculous,” Mashaba said.

In the interview with Manyathela , Mashaba could be heard saying, “in the event Actioners tell us we must negotiate with the ANC, let me tell you, I, Herman Mashaba will step aside and let ActionSA operate without me”.

Sources close to the party told The Star that Bongani Baloyi and party chairperson, Michael Beaumont, had allegedly had engagements with the ANC while Mashaba was in Kenya on holiday with his wife. Both Baloyi and Beaumont denied these engagements with the ANC.

“Not true. Our president was briefed and was supportive of the resolution taken by the senate to speak to all parties,” Baloyi said.

On the other hand, DA provincial leader Solly Msimanga told The Star that he had been told by some ANC leaders that there were negotiations with some ActionSA leaders. He said top leaders had been meeting with the ANC to try to save the party.

“We know that they are having talks with the ANC. All that has been done right now is more of a smoke-screen because Herman Mashaba has decided that he will no longer continue funding ActionSA,” Msimanga said.

Msimanga said ActionSA leaders knew that the only way the party would survive without Mashaba would be to work with the ANC and other parties.

“Some people in the ANC have even told me that they have even decided what they want to do with Tshwane as well,” Msimanga said.

ANC provincial secretary, TK Nciza told The Star that the party has been engaging other parties who are willing to work with the ANC in coalitions. Nciza also confirmed that the ANC had engaged ActionSA informally.

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