“Hurdles and Prospects of African integration: the Question of Western Sahara” launches in Jo’Burg

Published Jun 11, 2024


Staff Reporter

After making a great success in Tanzania, as well as, in Kenya, namely at the Universities of ‘’Irringa’’ and ‘’Kenyatta’’, the book of the two Tanzanians historians, titled, ‘’Hurdles and Prospects of African integration: the Question of Western Sahara’’, edited and published by APE, ‘‘i.e’’: African Proper Education Network, which has been exposed on Tuesday at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. 6

Its launch has seen the participation of a huge number at Johannesburg, where University Academicians and Historians, especially, the experts relevant from the Departments of History and Social Sciences.

This event has been marked by the presence of different media stations, due to the nature of the topics that concern South Africans in particular and world communities in general.

During their presentations, the two Tanzanians Historians, Dr. Chuhila Maxmillian and Dr. James Zotto have given the attendants a historical insight of the question of Sahara, pointing out that there are a historical link between the Moroccan sultans and the Sahraouis tribes according to the historical archives on which they depended on during their visit to Saharan provinces of Laayoune and Dakhala, which are two cities situated in the south part of Morocco.

What is to mention, that the two professors called during this gathering for a collective African integration in the region in particular, and in Africa in general, going further by arguing that Moroccans themselves are able to find a solution to their internal issues since separatism and separation do not defend the interests of Africa as unified content in terms of culture and customs, in despite its ethnic and linguistic diversity.

According to them, unity and integration are the soft weapons to face any outside threat. Their presentations demonstrated that the Sahara region has seen a socio-economic development due the efforts made by the Moroccan government, especially due to the good intention of the Moroccan king who is keeping providing boundless material and moral efforts to make of Sahara a hub for development and investments.

It is a region that rejoices all the living conditions in contradiction of what people they are commercialising. In a nutshell , the two historians called for an effective and constructive dialogue between Moroccans based on common interests in order to put an end to this long- term barren conflict, taking into consideration the efforts made by the United nations and the African union to end this historical dispute.

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