Da Silva’s return seen as a victory for all who seek a better world, according to Abahlali

Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Published Jan 2, 2023


Johannesburg – Political comeback king Lula da Silva’s inauguration as Brazilian president has been hailed as a victory for all those who seek a better world, according to civil society organisation Abahlali baseMjondolo.

Abahlali says Da Silva’s return to the presidency restores hope for the poor and marginalised in Brazil.

“Like many of our members, Lula was born into a poor rural family and then moved to a shack in a city as a child. After growing up in Sao Paolo, he became a factory worker and then emerged as the leader of the metal workers’ union and then of the Brazilian working class in general.

“It often happens that people who grew up poor go on to betray the oppressed when they get access to power. We know this very well in South Africa,” Abahlali said.

“This is a victory for all of us who want to see a better world, a world where the equality of all human beings will be the order of the day. Today is a new year rich in hope for the poor and working class of the world,” the organisation said.

International Relations and Co-operation Minister Dr Naledi Pandor represented President Cyril Ramaphosa at the inauguration ceremony in Brasilia on Sunday.

The department said South Africa enjoyed cordial relations with Brazil.

“Brazil is South Africa’s largest trading partner in Latin America and is the second-largest trading partner in the Americas after the US. South Africa is Brazil’s second-largest export partner in Africa, after Egypt, and its fourth-largest import partner from Africa, after Algeria, Morocco and Nigeria,” said the department.

The Star

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