Concerns raised over criminal justice system after Facebook rapist Bester’s prison escape almost a year ago



Published Mar 27, 2023


Johannesburg - Who may have helped organise the dramatic prison escape of convicted murderer, rapist and fraudster Thabo Bester has prompted many questions and concerns.

According to reports, two powerful politicians and three prison officials might have been involved. The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) said they were investigating the matter and promised no stone would be left unturned in getting to the bottom of Bester’s escape.

In 2012, Bester was sentenced to life in prison for luring women on Facebook, promising them modelling jobs, then robbing and raping his victims and killing at least one.

The DCS emphasised that there would be serious consequences for any party involved. The department confirmed over the weekend that he had escaped from prison almost a year ago.

According to Ground Up investigative journalist Oliver Meth, there is circumstantial evidence that suggests that two high-ranking politicians and three prison officials were involved in his prison escape.

It is reported that Bester was well connected from the prison; it’s also reported that he transferred money electronically to prison officials and that he bought luxury properties and cars in cash.

The department was left with egg on its face after failing to notice that Bester had escaped the facility on May 3 last year.

Bester is reported to have had a livestream in prison and later faked his death before he was spotted in Sandton, living the high life and in the company of a well-known celebrity doctor.

The department received a report from Mangaung Correctional Centre, a public-private partnership facility contracted to Bloemfontein Correctional Contracts and operated by G4S, indicating that Bester had committed suicide by setting himself alight in his cell.

Spokesperson Singabakho Nxumalo said in line with the concession contract, two officials from the DCS were appointed by the controller to conduct an investigation into the incident.

“The DCS is now in a position to bring forth the findings of its investigation on Bester, an offender sentenced to life and 75 years imprisonment, running concurrently. It has to be stated that this statement only provides an account from DCS as SAPS is still seized with the matter and conducting its own investigation,” said Nxumalo.

“A post-mortem conducted on the body that was burnt beyond recognition in Cell 35 revealed that it was an adult male with blunt force trauma to his head. The post-mortem report further revealed there were no signs of smoke inhalation in the body,” he added.

Nxumalo said the report uncovered that the pancreas and spleen in the body were in the early stages of decomposition. “The DNA sequencing with a person identified to be the mother of Bester failed to indicate a common ancestor or a match.

“Based on (this), a plausible conclusion will mean that the body is not that of Bester. This is the basis upon which the DCS investigation report concluded that Bester escaped from lawful custody on May 3, 2022,” he said.

Nxumalo said that it was critical for Bester to be found. He said they were appealing to the public to help in the investigation.

SAPS spokesperson Brigadier Athlenda Mathe confirmed police were investigating the murder and escape.

“Police are investigating two cases in the prison escape incident. One of murder (and) another of escape from lawful custody. A dedicated team, led by Organised Crime Investigations, is on the ground to apprehend Bester and all persons of interest who facilitated his escape,” Mathe said.

The Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (Popcru) said: “Following this incident, there has since been an internal investigation that has been closed, where in the security supervisor at the time was dismissed on charges of negligence as opposed to the causal factor behind the fire in the cell, and his matter is currently being handled by the CCMA (Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration).

“Three other officials from the Emergency Security Team are currently under suspension,” said Popcru spokesperson Richard Mamabolo.

He said this further raised questions as to whom the burnt body belongs to and how it found itself in Cell 35.

“We are of the firm view that this escape, including multiple other misconducts and abuses reported over the years, is mainly a consequence of the DCS having outsourced the functions of the state’s security to foreign-owned companies whose sole preoccupation is profit maximisation as opposed to the core mandate of rehabilitating inmates.

“These private companies have a disregard for human rights,” Mamabolo added.

Researcher and gender-based violence activist Lisa Vetten, in an interview with one of the broadcasters, said that Bester’s escape was quite extraordinary and it was unbelievable that it happened at a maximum security prison.

“This is concerning because who knows where he is now?

“This is also worrying for the complainants. This man did great damage to them; they knew he was behind bars and thought they were safe, and now they hear he is out.

“I think for the broader South African public, it keeps us worried about the quality of the criminal justice system,” said Vetten.

The Star

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