‘Black Conversations’ brings fresh topics in latest season

The new season of the Black Conversations series unpacks Black Spirituality, Black Pride, Black Mental Health, Black Love, Black Storytelling, and Black Success. | Supplied

The new season of the Black Conversations series unpacks Black Spirituality, Black Pride, Black Mental Health, Black Love, Black Storytelling, and Black Success. | Supplied

Published Apr 21, 2023


Johannesburg - To encourage South Africans to openly discuss what others believe are taboo subjects on “blackness”, Castle Milk Stout, Africa’s premier stout, launched season 2 of Black Conversations.

Launched in 2022 with a string of interesting subjects to unpack, the platform continues to allow vocal and influential local personalities to share their life experiences surrounding various unexplored topics.

The new season returned to Magic on April 13 at 9.30pm.

Viewers can expect to dive into controversial points of discussion, such as black spirituality, black pride, black mental health, black love, black storytelling, and black success.

Each topic will be discussed over two episodes, with viewers’ opinions and questions incorporated into the conversations.

“As a purpose- and people-driven brand, we go beyond simply selling products and have stepped up to the challenge of leveraging the power of our brand to use it as a platform where Africans can educate themselves about their origins and encourage them to become promoters of their culture. We want to inspire Africans to be bold and openly discuss censored subjects on ‘African-ness’ and ‘blackness’,” said Khensani Mkhombo, brand manager for Castle Milk Stout.

Black Pride will question how black people embrace their blackness in a Westernised society by exploring intelligence and beauty standards.

Popular comedian Celeste Ntuli, one of the episode’s panellists, has been vocal and intentional about black pride and embodies the acceptance of blackness through her comedy and in her everyday life.

Renowned actress Sophie Ndaba, a respected public figure who has struggled with her mental health, will explore black mental health in the black community.

Tbose and Mapaseka Mokwele have been married for over 20 years.

They will unpack the evolution of black love in modern society and the issues they face in the black community as a black couple.

In black storytelling, Desire Markgraaf, executive producer at Bomb Productions, and well-known actor Sello Maake ka Ncube provide context as to why black stories are not represented accurately and are not told by actual Africans who hold the truth of the experiences faced by African people.

Lastly, Kwaito legend Bonginkosi Dlamini, affectionately known as Zola 7, joins the conversation to share his journey to Black Success.

“While we acknowledge the evolution and progression of culture to adjust to modern society, we wanted to inspire Africans to rediscover and reinvent their African traditions and culture in a modern world.

“Black Conversations is a platform that addresses unthinkable and uncomfortable conversations in our society, and we hope they can make an important role in re-inventing and progressing modern culture,” said Mkhombo.

The Star

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