Amnesty International calls for above board investigation into eSwatini lawyer’s murder

Human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko.Image:File

Human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko.Image:File

Published Feb 21, 2023


Johannesburg - Amnesty International has called for the eSwatini authorities to ensure the investigation into the unlawful killing of human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko is completely independent, impartial, transparent, and effective.

Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Southern Africa, Vongai Chikwanda, said that a month after Thulani Maseko was gunned down, it remains unclear what steps the eSwatini authorities have taken to facilitate an independent investigation to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators of this crime.

"Amnesty International is calling on the authorities to reveal how they intend to ensure the investigation into Maseko’s death will be thorough, impartial, and transparent," said Chikwanda.

Chikwanda said that it was absolutely crucial that the evidence not be tampered with and that, as a State Party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), eSwatini had the obligation to investigate any unlawful killing.

"Failing to investigate the unlawful killing of Thulani and bring the perpetrator to justice would be a violation of the country’s obligations under the ICCPR," he said.

Amnesty International said that the alleged unlawful killing of human rights defender and lawyer Thulani Maseko on 21 January came amid an escalation in attacks on critics, many of whom had been calling out for political reforms in eSwatini.

The non-governmental organisation added that Maseko was shot three times through the window of his home by unknown gunmen at close range. It is also alleged by Amnesty International that, according to a local newspaper, two police officers had staked out his house before he was killed.

"According to reports, those police officers were allegedly the same ones who attended the crime scene after Maseko was shot.

“Inter-governmental organisations such as the Southern African Development Community, the Africa Union, and the European Union, as well as the human rights community, including Amnesty International, have called for a full and transparent investigation into Maseko’s killing," said Amnesty International.

Chikwanda said that every day that passes without commitment and action from the authorities towards an independent and transparent investigation brings further pain for Maseko‘s family.

"This killing must not be covered up or swept under the carpet. The perpetrators of this brutal crime must be brought to trial.

"In the meantime, the eSwatini authorities must ensure that people in the country are safe and able to exercise their human rights freely and without any reprisals, including political activists and human rights defenders," said Chikwanda.

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