King Goodwill Zwelithini asks nation to respect Covid-19 lockdown restrictions

King Goodwill Zwelithini Zulu commended President Cyril Ramaphosa and his Cabinet for the ‘sterling’ job they have been doing to protect the nation. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo/African News Agency(ANA)

King Goodwill Zwelithini Zulu commended President Cyril Ramaphosa and his Cabinet for the ‘sterling’ job they have been doing to protect the nation. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo/African News Agency(ANA)

Published May 10, 2020


Durban - King Goodwill Zwelithini has commended the government for the efforts being made to curb Covid-19 and pleaded with the nation to adhere to all safety instructions to minimise the impact of the pandemic.

The monarch virtually addressed the nation from his kwaDlamahlahla roayal residence in Nongoma on Saturday.

The king had declared the day (May 9) a day of national prayer where he called upon all religious groups to pray for the nation during his opening of the provincial legislature address in March.

In his speech, the king appealed to the nation to take instructions from the government and doctors seriously as they were scientifically proven.

He recalled historic epidemics such as cholera, Ebola, Spanish flu, and World War II as the most devastating incidents, but the world survived thereafter.

“Those who lived during those difficult times would have perished if they did not take instructions from their authorities at the time. They listened and lived to tell the tale. We must also listen to ensure we save this world for the next generations to come.

“During World War II the nations were divided, but this time around, all nations are united to fight the pandemic. We shall unite to conquer this pandemic. God has not forsaken us, but we have forsaken God by social ills. We have disregarded the laws, our cultures and values. We must all revive our relationship with the Lord and let's continue to stay indoors as per instruction by the experts,” the king said, while quoting biblical scripture.

The King also extended his condolences to families who have lost their loved ones as a result of the pandemic. He lamented about job opportunities that will be lost while the economy was already struggling to create more.

The monarch commended President Cyril Ramaphosa and his Cabinet for the “sterling” job they have been doing to protect the nation.

“The minister of health (Zweli Mkhize) has represented the province very well and shown we have capable people. The political parties have also rallied behind the president. This shows that even though they may differ in political ideologies, they can work together and put the country first.

"We are grateful for the work done by health workers and all those in the essential services, they have carried the nation during this difficult period.

"Our forefathers dedicated all to save this world and we also have the same responsibility to protect it for the next generation to come. This pandemic should bring us closer to God. God bless the world,” King Zwelithini concluded.

Prince Mbuyiseni Zulu, spokesperson for the royal household, said the king had postponed various cultural events and invitations because of Covid-19.

He said it was not clear at this stage whether the reed dance would take place, saying all the committee meetings leading up to the events had been halted.

“As the king stated, all of us should adhere to the lockdown level 4. No gathering is advised and everyone must remain indoors as per the instruction,” said Zulu.

Sunday Tribune