Martha Stewart criticised for using an iceberg to cool her cocktail

Martha Stewart’s latest Instagram post, in which she showcased her use of iceberg ice to chill a cocktail. Picture: Martha Stewart/INSTAGRAM

Martha Stewart’s latest Instagram post, in which she showcased her use of iceberg ice to chill a cocktail. Picture: Martha Stewart/INSTAGRAM

Published Sep 6, 2023


Martha Stewart’s latest Instagram post, in which she showcased her use of an iceberg to chill a cocktail during her vacation, sparked significant backlash from her followers.

In the midst of a worldwide climate crisis, the 82-year-old entrepreneur and television personality faced criticism for her choice to flaunt such a luxury, drawing attention to the environmental implications of her actions.

According to National Geographic, “The controversial business of treating icebergs like a natural resource explains that iceberg harvesting involves the removal of icebergs from their natural environment for various purposes, including cooling drinks and obtaining freshwater.

“This practice can disrupt marine ecosystems and pose environmental risks.”

Stewart took to Instagram: “End of the first zodiac cruise from @swanhelleniccruises into a very beautiful fjord on the east coast of Greenland.

“We actually captured a small iceberg for our cocktails tonight.”

@mrjake805 commented: “It’s giving out of touch.”

@ihearthostrobot wrote: “So as the climate warms due to the profits of a couple thousand people, billionaires vacation to the melting icebergs, scoop them up and use them to keep their cocktails cold.

“That sounds like a line from a dystopian novel. Can’t make this sh*t up lol.”

The statements addressed environmental concerns, especially where the rich use the icebergs for their personal enjoyment even as these natural wonders are disappearing due to global warming.

While many criticised her others thought it was not that big of a deal.

@lisabakercomedy wrote: “Hahahaha we make booze and beer with it where I’m from. And we definitely put it in drinks. Upset over ice from an iceberg haha! Jesus, I’ve seen it all now!”

“This is normal on those excursions. The ice is already floating, not part of the ice mass, it is slowly melting in the ocean. Every tour company does it. We did it in Alaska and Patagonia. We did NOT disturb the glaciers,” wrote another.

What do you think? Yay or nay?