Health and mental wellness tips for ageing gracefully

On a hot day, wearing sunglasses, sunscreen, and a stylish wide-brimmed hat will do wonders for your skin by shielding it from damaging UV rays. Picture from Pexels

On a hot day, wearing sunglasses, sunscreen, and a stylish wide-brimmed hat will do wonders for your skin by shielding it from damaging UV rays. Picture from Pexels

Published Aug 17, 2023


There are always at least a few magazine articles about how to look younger when you're in the checkout queue. There is much more to ageing healthily than just disliking some wrinkles and sagging.

Ageing is an inevitable process. And it can trigger a range of feelings in people, carers, and loved ones.

However, ageing need not be a sign of decline. Your "golden years" are called that for a reason, after all. The years in your fifties and beyond should be the best of your life.

That's only accurate, though, provided we assume a few things. Retirement might be financially burdensome if there is insufficient income, to start with. We notice changes in our mental and physical health as we become older. We might also start to miss our pals and our regular routine.

Living your best life while maintain physical and mental health to enjoy it is what it means to age gracefully. It doesn't mean attempting to appear like you're in your 20s. With the correct care, you can age better than a fine wine.

The most fruitful decades of your life may come in the second half. You might have more self-assurance now than you had before. You develop patience and knowledge. Yes, your face has more wrinkles, and your hair has more grey.

However, you can age in good health, both physically and mentally.

Here are several tried-and-true methods to accomplish that, as per WebMD's research:

Take inventory of your body

Taking care of your health is much more than just seeking treatment when you're feeling under the weather. Visit your physician frequently for checks. (And don't overlook your eye doctor and dentist). These visits can aid in identifying issues when they arise or even before they do.

Your age, gender, family history, and whether you smoke or exercise will all affect the tests you need. Along with other things, your doctor may want to screen for osteoporosis, high blood pressure, cervical cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.

Eat organic whole foods

It's more of an eating style than a structured diet. You consume an abundance of whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy. You consume fewer processed meals, fatty meats, butter, sugar, and salt.

According to numerous studies, this diet can extend your life and shield you from heart disease, cancer, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's disease.

According to researchers, one mechanism of action involves physically altering chromosomal regions associated with age-related disorders.

Take care of your skin

Your skin is the greatest organ in your body, and if you take good care of it, it can better protect your body from the weather, control your body temperature, and provide you with a feeling sensation.

Wear sunscreen and protective gear when outdoors, have yearly skin cancer screenings, stick to gentle anti-ageing creams, and drink plenty of water to keep it looking and performing at its best.

Get a good night’s rest -- every night

You don't want to sleep through life and miss out on anything. Nevertheless, getting enough beauty rest has a lot of advantages. The need to obtain enough sleep each night is often overlooked. Even one lost night of sleep is linked to more physical pain, more unpleasant emotions, and less good feelings.

Contrary to popular belief, elderly adults still require 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Now is the perfect moment to start adjusting your sleep routine, whether you're employed or retired.

If you're a night owl by nature, years of getting up early may have left you exhausted. You could discover that getting more sleep enhances every aspect of your life.

So make sure you get enough sleep, especially if you're sick and your immune system is weak.


Regular exercise helps you maintain your mobility longer and considerably reduces your risk of diseases like cancer and heart disease. Additionally, exercise reduces stress and enhances mood, sleep, skin, and bone health.

Adults should engage in 2.5 to 5 hours per week of moderate-intensity exercise, 1.25 to 2.5 hours per week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or a combination of the two, as well as muscle-strengthening activities of moderate intensity or greater, involving all major muscle groups, twice a week or more.

Exercises that fall within the aerobic category include cycling, dancing, swimming, and walking. Exercises for building muscle and bone can be done with weights or resistance bands.

Along with cardio and strength training, older persons should concentrate on activities that improve their balance. Mental health is important.

You'll live longer and age better if you're content with life and don't put too much pressure on yourself. You might adopt the following behaviours as a habit to maintain your positive mood:

Spend time with family and friends

Strong social networks and meaningful relationships increase longevity and mental and physical well-being. Don't forget your animal companions, since studies have shown that owning a pet can reduce stress and blood pressure, as well as loneliness and improve mood.

Acknowledge your age

There is proof that persons who keep a positive outlook on ageing live longer and may recover from a disability more effectively. Knowing how to accept your ageing can make all the difference.

Engage in activities you find enjoyable

Making the time to do things you like can only increase your happiness. Whatever it is that makes you happy, do it. Spend time in nature. Take up a new pastime.

Being healthy and content is more important for elegant ageing than avoiding wrinkles. Live a healthy lifestyle, spend time with the people you cherish, and pursue your passions.

It's normal to be concerned about the difficulties that come with getting older, so don't be afraid to voice your worries.

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