Get fit while protecting the ocean with a ‘Sunset Silent Disco Workout’

Led by the renowned Merakii Movement, the Sunset Silent Disco Workout offers a comprehensive full-body exercise session that enhances cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility. Picture: Instagram

Led by the renowned Merakii Movement, the Sunset Silent Disco Workout offers a comprehensive full-body exercise session that enhances cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility. Picture: Instagram

Published Jun 27, 2024


An exclusive workout event designed to conserve and protect our oceans is set to inspire participants through a unique blend of physical fitness and environmental education.

The nature and ocean themed session aims to motivate attendees to take actionable steps toward safeguarding our natural world.

Led by the renowned Merakii Movement, the workout offers a comprehensive full-body exercise session that enhances cardiovascular health, strength and flexibility.

Regular physical activity is essential for reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Additionally, the endorphins released during physical activity improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety.

The event will take place outdoors, allowing participants to experience the benefits of exercising in a natural environment.

Studies have shown that outdoor exercise boosts mood, increases energy levels and improves overall well-being more effectively than indoor workouts.

The Silent Disco headsets encourage mindfulness in participants. Picture: Instagram

Meanwhile, Silent Disco headsets provided by Silent Mania Events will create an experience that encourages mindfulness.

This serene setting allows participants to engage fully with the workout and the educational content, promoting a more profound connection to the cause.

Engaging in activities that align with personal values and that contribute to a greater cause provides a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Knowing that participation supports ocean conservation also elevates the experience from a simple workout to a meaningful endeavour.

This event is open to everyone, regardless of fitness level.

Participants will not only enhance their physical and mental health, but also contribute to a vital cause.

The event promises to benefit the body and soul while supporting the conservation of our beautiful planet.

Where: The V&A Waterfront Amphitheatre.

When: Friday, June 28, at 5:15pm.

Cost: Tickets are R100 and can be purchased at Quicket.


The chocolate demonstration offers insight into the artistry and precision required to create delicious, high-quality chocolates. Picture: Freepik.

For those curious about the magic behind chocolate-making and eager to uncover its secrets, this exclusive experience is the perfect fit.

Participants are invited to a full tasting and an in-depth introduction to the captivating journey of cacao beans from farm to finished product.

The experience begins with a comprehensive overview of how cacao beans are meticulously farmed and processed.

Attendees will learn about the intricate methods and sustainable practices used to cultivate these precious beans, ensuring the highest quality and adherence to ethical standards.

Following the introduction, guests will witness a live demonstration of how ethical bean-to-bar chocolate is crafted.

This process highlights the commitment to producing chocolate with integrity, from selecting the finest beans to the final tempering and moulding stages.

The demonstration offers insight into the artistry and precision required to create delicious, high-quality chocolates.

After the demonstration, the event becomes interactive.

Participants will be taught the techniques of dipping, decorating and wrapping their own set of four bonbons.

This hands-on session allows guests to express their creativity and take home a personalised set of beautifully packaged chocolates.

The event is designed to be both vegan and child-friendly, ensuring inclusivity for all participants.

Plant-based ingredients and methods are used, making this an ideal activity for families and individuals with dietary preferences or restrictions.

Where: The Honest Chocolate Factory in Woodstock.

When: Saturday, June 29, at 6pm.

Cost: Tickets cost R450 and can be purchased at Quicket.

Cosmic Piano

Jeffrey Munks invites attendees to join him on a transformative journey of the mind and soul. Picture: Instagram

Jeffrey Munks, a world-travelling musician renowned for his captivating performances, has mesmerised audiences with his “Cosmic Piano” show.

Featuring a blend of music, mystical storytelling, and original piano compositions, Munks invites attendees to join him on a transformative journey of the mind and soul.

Having performed at prestigious events like “Burning Man” and “AfrikaBurn”, Munks's artistry transcends traditional boundaries, offering an experience that combines visual fantasies with profound musical expression.

“Cosmic Piano” represents a night of communal celebration, where individuals can unwind and reconnect with themselves through the power of music and storytelling.

The musician’s ability to evoke emotion and curiosity through his performances ensures that each attendee leaves enriched, having experienced the magic of his musical and mystical narratives first-hand.

Where: Cafe Roux in Noordhoek.

When: Sunday, June 30, at 4pm.

Cost: Tickets are R100 and can be purchased at Quicket.