Kaizer Chiefs’ striker Ranga Chivaviro admits ‘we have underachieved’

Ranga Chivaviro (pictured right) scored 10 goals in 19 DStv Premiership matches last season for Marumo Gallants, but this term has been one to forget for Kaizer Chiefs as he’s managed just four strikes from 18 appearances. Picture: Phill Magakoe/AFP

Ranga Chivaviro (pictured right) scored 10 goals in 19 DStv Premiership matches last season for Marumo Gallants, but this term has been one to forget for Kaizer Chiefs as he’s managed just four strikes from 18 appearances. Picture: Phill Magakoe/AFP

Published May 17, 2024


Kaizer Chiefs striker Ranga Chivaviro on Thursday admitted that he and his club have been well below-par this season.

Chivaviro scored 10 goals in 19 DStv Premiership matches last season for Marumo Gallants, but this term has been one to forget for Chiefs as he’s managed just four goals from 18 appearances.

The Mighty AmaKhosi find themselves scrapping to stay in the top eight with two games remaining. Chiefs are eighth on the log with 35 points, tied with Polokwane City but ahead on goal difference.

Golden Arrows have 34 points, while both Chippa United and AmaZulu are on 33 points.

Even Moroka Swallows who are one spot above the relegation zone have 32 points and could end with more than Chiefs’ current tally.

Still something to play for

Chivaviro did not shy away from his team’s under performance.

“Personally for me, I feel we have underachieved as a club. Obviously, we did not manage to reach the goals that we wanted. But with that being said, we still have something to play for,” said Chivaviro.

Chiefs take on Polokwane City at FNB Stadium on Saturday, before their final league game away at already-relegated Cape Town Spurs on May 25.

“As it’s our last home game, we want to end it on a high and we want to win the game. And obviously, we want to make sure that the top eight spots are secured.”

Chivaviro also made no excuses and said he simply needed to score more goals for the team.

“I think for me it’s quite clear. I wish I scored more goals, but it’s always a process, you know, and I’m on four now, and hopefully, by the time I end I’ll be, you know, maybe around six, seven, and I take that to the next season,” Ranga added.

“Obviously, when I came here my first three months I was injured and I was playing catch-up with everyone else.

“I didn’t have a pre-season and things are starting to fall into place now because I’m getting into that match fitness place and I hope it doesn’t end until the season ends and I continue when the season opens again.”
