GBV survivor’s mission is to ensure that everyone who leaves her studio leaves happier

Sandra Kantilal said building the studio has been an absolute dream to have a non judgemental safe space for her clients to feel comfortable, have fun without any inhibitions and bond with others almost like a sisterhood of Gen Xers/Baby Boomers. Picture: Supplied.

Sandra Kantilal said building the studio has been an absolute dream to have a non judgemental safe space for her clients to feel comfortable, have fun without any inhibitions and bond with others almost like a sisterhood of Gen Xers/Baby Boomers. Picture: Supplied.

Published Jun 22, 2024


Sandra Kantilal, aka “Sandilicious”, the owner of Ardnas Wellness Studio, is breath of fresh air who has clients from all walks of life. Kantilal, 58, from Alberton in Ekurhuleni, is also a gender-based violence (GBV) victim and anti-abuse advocate.

She said this was her calling and her main goal was to just be happy, to enjoy what she did and do what she enjoyed.

Fun fact, the name of her company is her name spelt backwards.

Kantilal is a mother to two boys who are 26 and 27 whom she said were her world.

“I thank God everyday for making me a mother. My job is extremely relaxing and I love every minute of it,” Kantilal said.

“I spend a lot of time meditating and dancing, lost in music therapy, which keeps me grounded. I really enjoy being on my own, having quiet time with daily grounding. That being said, I keep my circle very small.

“I have no family here, my parents are late. My sister lives in Ireland. I treat my job exactly how I respected my corporate role. It is after all my job and my purpose now. I plan my classes for the week on a Sunday.”

Kantilal’s company offers aerial yoga, restorative aerial yoga, acudetox, buccal meridian facial massages and sound healing baths.

Kantilal is an HR practitioner by qualification.

At 52, she was studying a Management Advanced Program (MAP) at Wits Business school and got the opportunity to undertake two extra modules, ie, strategy and marketing at LA Verne University in Los Angeles which she said was a childhood dream for her.

She said the opportunity to be in a class with students from all over the world was absolutely amazing.

“My journey started in 2017 while working in corporate. After training to become an acudetox specialist, my curiosity for traditional Chinese medicine was fueled. I only discovered aerial yoga at 50.

“In 2017, I took three months off work and went to China’s, Zhongfang Red Cross Hospital to study cupping, moxibustion, and Facial Meridian massages.

“Right there God was already setting me up for my future. I just didn't know it. The change in trajectory was almost holistic, falling into aerial yoga in 2019, and completing sound bowl therapy early last year,” she said.

Kantilal now offers aerial yoga for over 40s, restorative aerial yoga, acudetox, buccal meridian facial massages and sound healing baths.

“It's been a beautiful journey to have this opportunity to do something I love as well as supporting others on their own individual journeys,”

Kantilal said being a GBV victim and anti-abuse advocate ensured that clients realised Ardnas Wellness studio was a safe space.

“There is no judgement and you are free to do whatever you want in class and speak freely because as women we uplift, support and empower each other.

“It's so funny, when I talk about my GBV journey, women immediately feel comfortable to share their journey and not shy away from the facts of life,” said Kantilal.

“The real issue of GBV is that a lot of women who are in 25 to 45 year marriages experience domestic violence and find it is too late to do anything.

“This is considered taboo, to talk of your marriage in a derogatory manner when you are still married, which is why Ardnas gives you that safe space to vent and sometimes that’s the relief women are looking for. Also, what happens in the studio stays in the studio,” said Kantilal.

She has clients from all walks of life and said it was quite clear everyone was on a journey of their own facing their own challenges.

“My mission is to ensure that everyone who leaves Ardnas is feeling happier than when they arrived. I am fortunate in that my aerial yoga classes are designed for mature individuals, hence, I do not take on clients under 40,” said Kantilal.

“Our journeys are very similar, being that most of us are either perimenopause, menopausal or postmenopausal. This was very critical for me as my aerial yoga journey started in my 50s.

“I only qualified at 54, so I understand the journey from a mature women's perspective, ie, what it feels like being in a class among twenty-somethings. Trying to do an inversion and you look at the mirror, the twenty-something looks like a swan with such a beautiful A line shape and you look like a mangled wreck.

“It was imperative for me when I started my studio to empower mature individuals to build confidence, to push mature bodies within the confines of illnesses, disabilities, etc, to increase flexibility, mobility, strength and at the same time zone.

“Our bodies are in a different time zone which means our needs are vastly different from younger women. So I concentrate on body parts like strengthening fingers, knees, hips, ankles, wrists, toes, etc, because we are losing 10% balance every year.

“We need strong feet for balance, strong fingers and wrists are important to support arms to carry weighted goods. As we get older it is imperative we can bend down with ease, ie, hips and knees,” said Kantilal.

When Saturday Star asked where she drew her strength from, Kantilal said she was asked this so often.

“Jesus’ grace and mercy, it truly is. I'm also ADHD … so I get bored easily and need to have movement in my life,” she said.

Saturday Star