Listen: Pension Fund Adjudicator Muvhango Lukhaimane talks regulation and release of her office’s annual report

Published Oct 24, 2022


Welcome To the Personal Finance’s Podcast show with me Content Editor Ruan Jooste.

This is our Pension Plain episode for the month of October, where we cover pension everything, everyone, and everywhere.

The financial services dispute resolution landscape is being radically reshaped to ensure a consistent framework across the financial services sector whilst providing for quick and cost-efficient review of an aggrieved party’s grievance.

Along with the proposed amendments is a name change for the Office of the Pension Funds Adjudicator (OPFA) which will be renamed the “Retirement Funds Ombud” and for the Pension Funds Act to be called the “Retirement Funds Act”.

Today we had Muvhango Lukhaimane, the South African Pension Fund Adjudicator, in the studio who talked us through the release of her annual report this week, as well as the extensive regulatory reform in financial services over the last five years. But first we spoke about the significant role her office plays in protecting the interests of every single member of a retirement fund in the country, whether active contributor or pension recipient.

Muvhango Lukhaimane commenced her responsibilities as Deputy Pension Funds Adjudicator on 1 June 2012 and was appointed Pension Funds Adjudicator on 1 July 2013.

She acquired first-hand experience and expertise in pension fund matters as research consultant and legal advisor at Sanlam Employee Benefits and Liberty Personal Benefits. She was also Principal Officer of the Eskom Pension and Provident Fund. She gained strategic planning and organisational skills during her stint in various executive management roles within the South African Domestic Intelligence Services.

There is also a lot of tax talk in the pipeline across various subject matters. Last week we discussed Pension Fund reform, and the tax implications thereof, and the recording is available on all major podcasts platforms, such as Google, Apple and spotify. You can also find it on Anchor, and on the iol website, under the Personal Finance section.

Listen to the Podcast here