Officer's Playboy spread not really shipshape

Published Jul 26, 2000


Chicago - A United States Navy petty officer is bearing the consequences for baring all in the September issue of Playboy magazine.

Sherry Lynne White, 26, said she was discharged from the navy on July 9 because she posed for a nude photo spread. She originally was scheduled to be released from duty on October 31.

"I felt I wasn't doing anything wrong by posing," White said on Tuesday. "I'm not making the Navy look bad by having those pictures there."

Lieutenant Commmader Dave Werner, a Navy spokesman in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, where White was stationed, said both the Navy and White agreed to the discharge.

"As she agreed, it was best that she pursue her career outside the military," Werner said.

"It was in everyone's interests for her to leave early."

Werner would not say what role the Playboy photos played in the agreement.

White, a native of Washington, New Jersey, who had served in the Navy for eight years, said her trouble began when she submitted a photo of herself inthe nude that was published in the Grapevine section of Playboy's February issue.

Neither the photo nor the caption made reference to White's service in the navy, she said.

But she said her superiors told her to ask Playboy not to publish any more of her photos.

Instead, White contacted the magazine and arranged to do a full pictorial, with an accompanying article and pictures of her in uniform.

After she told her superiors of her decision, she was told she would be discharged for misconduct under honourable conditions, she said.

She eventually signed a letter stating those terms.

White most recently had served as a naval information systems technician second class as part of the Commander Submarine Force, US Pacific Fleet. - Sapa-AP

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