Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau self-isolates after wife is tested for coronavirus

Minister of Health Patty Hajdu looks on as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during a news conference in Ottawa. Picture: Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via AP

Minister of Health Patty Hajdu looks on as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during a news conference in Ottawa. Picture: Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via AP

Published Mar 12, 2020


Canadian Prime Minister Justin

Trudeau and his wife Sophie are in self-isolation after she came

down with flu-like symptoms and was tested for the new

coronavirus, according to an official statement on Thursday.

The 48-year-old Liberal leader is exhibiting no symptoms and

will continue to work from home until the results of his wife's

test comes in, the statement said. However, face-to-face

meetings with provincial premiers scheduled for Thursday and

Friday will instead be held by phone.

"Having recently returned from a speaking engagement in

London, UK, the Prime Minister's wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau

began exhibiting mild flu-like symptoms including a low fever

late last night," the statement from the prime minister's office


"She immediately sought medical advice, and is being tested

for the COVID-19 virus. She is self-isolating at home awaiting

test results, and her symptoms have since subsided."

The statement does not mention whether their three children

are staying home as well.

Trudeau's announcement comes as the spread of the new

coronavirus appears to be gathering steam and as authorities

canceled major events to try to limit contagion.

Canada had just over 100 confirmed cases of the new

coronavirus as of Wednesday, more than double the number from a

week ago. With Manitoba and New Brunswick reporting their first

presumptive cases in the past 24 hours, six of Canada's 10

provinces have recorded COVID-19 contagion.

Two other ministers with flu-like symptoms have gone into

self-isolation in recent days as they awaited test results for

the virus. Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller said that

the rest of the cabinet had not been instructed to self-isolate.

Trudeau's move is "a precautionary measure, and should

Canadians find themselves in a similar situation, that is the

recommendation," Miller said.

Ontario, the country's most populous province, reported 17

new cases overnight, a 40%. In Alberta, Suncor Energy

spokeswoman Erin Rees said a pre-school child in Calgary who

attended a daycare in one of its buildings had tested positive

for coronavirus.

The daycare was closed and children and their families were

advised to self-quarantine, Rees said. Alberta health officials

have not confirmed the case.

Also on Thursday, Canadian authorities canceled the JUNO, an

annual music award show similar to the Grammys in the United

States, citing virus concerns, and Toronto's annual St.

Patrick's Day parade was suspended.

All 360 people working at the Ottawa office of the

Superintendent of Financial Institutions - Canada's top

financial services regulator - were asked to start working from

home on Thursday after an employee was tested for the

coronavirus, said spokesman Michael Toope.

Trudeau's government committed C$1 billion ($723 million) on

Wednesday towards bolstering the healthcare system and limiting

the impact of the virus.

The government of Ontario, the province that has reported

the highest number of cases, has set aside C$100 million in

"contingency funding", Premier Doug Ford told reporters on



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