WATCH: Protest as Amahle Quku's alleged murderer appears

Published Jul 7, 2020


Cape Town – Community Safety MEC Albert Fritz has welcomed the ruling not to grant bail to Leonard Mzingeli, who is accused of murdering Amahle Quku. 

A large group of protesters against gender-based violence from Philippi had called for the 25-year-old Mzingelo to be denied bail outside the Wynberg Magistrate's Court today for the alleged murder of the 17-year-old Quku, the SABC reported. They also wanted Khayalethu Mkhumathela, who has been charged with the rape of an elderly woman, to be denied bail.

The matter was postponed for a bail application, but the accused abandoned his bail application, National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson (NPA) Eric Ntabazalila said in a statement. The matter has been postponed to October 6 for further investigation. 

Mkhumathela appeared at the same court and his case has been postponed to July 23 for a bail application. 

“I have requested that members of the court watching brief unit monitor this case and ensure that each leg of the criminal justice system is operating optimally to ensure that Quku’s murderer is not allowed to roam freely and possibly endanger the lives of others," Fritz said in a statement.

"I welcome today’s postponement by the Wynberg Court and call on SAPS and NPA to ensure that this case is thoroughly attended so that the guilty party is convicted.”  

Quku’s body was found on a Saturday morning, June 20, by residents in Albert Luthuli Street in Browns Farm. The Grade 11 pupil had been stripped of her clothes and stones were found next to her bruised body. 

“By convicting the perpetrators of GBV (gender-based violence), we send a strong message, that is ‘you will be caught and you will be prosecuted’. 

"To achieve this, we must equally ensure that our SAPS officials treat GBV-related cases with the seriousness it deserves and not subject victims to a secondary assault. 

"To this end, I have requested that the Western Cape Police Ombudsman (WCPO), Mr JJ Brand, investigate two cases of secondary victimisation (SV) at Langa and Site B, Khayelitsha, local SAPS stations. He has informed me that his investigation into the two reported cases is ongoing.” 

The WCPO's letter stated that complaints were registered for both... the allegations deemed to fall within our mandate... My office intends consulting with the victims of the incidents first to verify whether they indeed want to pursue with complaints of alleged inefficiencies against SAPS". 

Additionally, the WCPO stated that both cases of alleged secondary victimisation "would be included in our current investigation of the alleged failure of SAPS to provide sufficient victim support to victims of crime at the police stations in the WC". 

Minister Fritz is establishing the following programmes to create awareness of and address the prevalence of gender-based violence: 

* Create a guide and disseminate information on how to get a protection order;

* Appoint a full-time official within Court Watching Brief Unit to monitor GBV and domestic violence related cases;

* Establish a campaign to increase volunteers at victim support rooms and investigate stipends to incentivize volunteers; and

* Conduct monitoring and evaluation and provide related assistance to SAPS in terms of compliance with the Domestic Violence Act.


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