Trouble mounts for alleged holiday swindler, Francois Swart, as authorities go for bank accounts

Alleged holiday swindler Francois Swart, 39, whose Gauteng-based travel agency, Priority Escapes defrauded holidaymakers. Picture: Supplied/SAPS

Alleged holiday swindler Francois Swart, 39, whose Gauteng-based travel agency, Priority Escapes defrauded holidaymakers. Picture: Supplied/SAPS

Published Dec 21, 2023


The National Consumer Commission, working with the Asset Forfeiture Unit of the National Prosecuting Authority, said it has obtained a preservation order to preserve any money available in two bank accounts belonging to both Priority Escapes and its fugitive director Francois Swart.

The commission has also unleashed its own investigated into widely-reported allegations and complaints from several consumers to the effect that Gauteng-based travel agent, Priority Escapes, and its director, Swart, received payments for holiday bookings but failed to deliver the holidays.

Swart and his company also failed to refund the clients.

Priority Escapes had advertised travel trips to the Maldives. For a client to confirm their bookings, they paid either a deposit or the full amount of the trip and the clients reportedly received fake confirmation documents.

Scores of consumers insist they were made to believe that their trips to Maldives were booked and paid for, only to be advised, at the last moment, that the trips had been cancelled “due to financial challenges the agency faced”.

Would-be overseas holiday makers were allegedly swindled by Francois Swart and his company Priority Escapes. File Picture

Acting Consumer Commissioner at the National Consumer Commission, Thezi Mabuza said the commission was now hunting for Swart.

“We need to find Mr. Swart so that we can serve him with the National Consumer Tribunal papers,” Mabuza said.

“Once he is served with the papers, and the matter is argued at the Tribunal, the National Consumer Commission will execute the outcomes of the Tribunal.”

Mabuza said the commission has found that Priority Escapes and Swart have contravened section 47 (3) of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) which provides that: “If a supplier makes a commitment or accepts a reservation to supply goods or services on a specified date or at a specified time and, on the date and at the time contemplated in the commitment or reservation, fails because of insufficient stock or capacity to supply those goods or services, or similar or comparable goods or services of the same or better quality, class or nature, the supplier must refund to the consumer the amount, if any, paid in respect of that commitment or reservation, together with interest at the prescribed rate from the date on which the amount was paid until the date of reimbursement”.

On Tuesday, IOL reported that police in Limpopo have intensified their search for information on the whereabouts of the alleged holiday swindler, 39-year-old Swart who is accused of defrauding holiday companies in Modimolle of money running into millions of rands.

“Swart is alleged to have defrauded many would-be holidaymakers of hundreds of thousands of rands,” said Limpopo police spokesperson, Brigadier Hlulani Mashaba.

“According to the information available at this stage, a case of fraud was opened at the Modimolle police station in August. The complainant alleged that two companies were defrauded of more than R130,000 by Priority Escapes.”

Police have since issued a warrant of arrest for Swart.

Alleged holiday swindler Francois Swart, 39, whose Gauteng-based travel agency, Priority Escapes defrauded holidaymakers. Picture: Supplied/SAPS

It is alleged that Swart received full payment from the complainant, for him to fulfil holiday arrangements on their behalf.

“The misrepresentation was furthered when the suspect issued documents purporting that the holiday was arranged and paid in full. It has since been confirmed that the documents the complainants received are false,” said Mashaba.

Police appeal to anyone with knowledge of Swart’s whereabouts to contact Crime Stop on 0860-010-111, the nearest police station or use the My SAPS App.

Would-be overseas holiday makers were allegedly swindled by Francois Swart and his company Priority Escapes. File Picture

In August, IOL reported that the agency cancelled a holiday to the Maldives, leaving excited holidaymakers with dashed dreams.

In an email to clients, Swart said the agency was unable to meet its financial obligations. There was no word on when or if people would be paid back their monies.