More land for poor of Hout Bay, says SACP

Published Nov 9, 2006


The SA Communist Party (SACP) is to put pressure on the provincial government to release 16ha of land and expropriate additional land in the Hout Bay area for low-cost housing.

The call comes after a community meeting, held in Imizamo Yethu on Tuesday night, at which people living in the informal settlement discussed the housing crisis.

The SACP also slammed the Hout Bay Ratepayers' Association, saying it was trying to keep poor black people out of the area.

"The (meeting) heavily criticised the entrenchment of a Hout Bay, which belongs exclusively to the rich who can afford to buy prime property in this disguised Volkstaat," said Luthando Nogcinisa, SACP secretary for the Cape Town metropolitan area.

"(It) also made it clear that the promises made by the MEC for Local Government and Housing, Qubudile (Richard) Dyantyi, will be realised with sustained mass pressure on (Dyantyi)."

Nogcinisa said the meeting had rejected the "patronising attitude" of the ratepayers' association. He said it had in the past tried unsuccessfully to erect a wall separating the black township from the rest of Hout Bay.

"They now want to use the 16ha of land as a buffer zone between themselves and the black people.

"This is the reason they sought and obtained a court interdict that effectively prevented the rezoning of the area for low-cost housing development."

Dyantyi's spokesperson, Vusi Tshose, said the MEC's stance had not changed. "We haven't seen their statement. But nothing has changed from what (Dyantyi) said on Sunday. He will do whatever it takes to resolve the situation."

Ratepayers' association chairperson Graham Kelroe-Cook could not be reached for comment.

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