Sibaya makes another millionaire

An ecstatic Phoenix resident Desigan Munsami won R1 048 638 at Sibaya Casino on Saturday night. Picture: Supplied

An ecstatic Phoenix resident Desigan Munsami won R1 048 638 at Sibaya Casino on Saturday night. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 26, 2017


Durban - Just a few days after Sibaya Casino and Entertainment Kingdom presented one of the largest jackpots to a customer, the casino has made another millionaire. 

General Manager Melville Vogel confirmed in a statement that Desigan Munsami was their latest big winner. 

Munsami won R1 048 638 at 5.33pm on Saturday.

“I was playing for just two minutes when the jackpot went off,” said the 36-year-old IT specialist.

“I was shaking all over – it was a crazy experience. I am still shaking now.”

He said the money came at the right time, as he was in the process of leaving his family home.

“Now it will go straight to paying for a new property. Thank you, Sibaya. This was the best R1 200 I’ve ever spent.”


Vogel said Sibaya was going through a particularly good period in terms of jackpots. 

“After Nola Lawrence won R1.8-million on the Sunstriker machine, we have had one individual win R529 400 on the Agent M machine and an Umhlanga resident won an amazing R841 458 on the Red Eye Nickels machine just five days ago.”

This was in addition to the 16 cars the casino has given away since June.

The Mercury

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