Grade 1 pupils accused of drawing 'porn'

Published Aug 31, 2004


Three Grade 1 boys were given detention for drawing what their primary school described as a "pornographic" picture of a well-endowed naked figure.

Now the guardian of one of the boys is furious about the disciplinary action, which he says was unwarranted and traumatic.

And on Tuesday he was backed by provincial education MEC Cameron Dugmore, who said he would demand a report into the affair.

The school concerned, Rondebosch East Primary, was also criticised by a child sexuality therapist, who said: "If you punish them, you're not dealing with the problem, you're teaching them shame."

Ridwaan Mathews, guardian of one of the pupils involved, said that after completing the drawing, the boys were closely questioned by three teachers, then sent to the principal and given an hour's detention.

Their parents and guardians were summoned to the school to sign an acknowledgement of the disciplinary action.

Mathews said what seemed to have happened was that the three children, all around seven years old, drew a stick figure with breasts and male genitals.

Although it is not known which boy drew it, Mathews's nephew apparently had a pen in his hand, and when someone showed him the picture he burst out laughing.

The teacher then took him and the other two boys for intense questioning by two other teachers about who drew which parts of the figure, then sent them to the principal.

"The teacher said that even if he hadn't drawn it, he'd 'got pleasure from the picture and that's sick'," said Mathews.

The boys were each given a disciplinary letter, in which the offence was cited as "pornography" and which said it "involved drawing an inappropriate picture".

Mathews said: "My mother-in-law was distraught at the letter from the school. We asked the boy what had happened and he said, 'Uncle, we were drawing a picture, and teacher saw us.' "

Mathews is outraged at the way the school handled the matter. On Monday he met the principal, Clive Barnett. "He said he regarded the picture as pornography, and that in today's climate with all the abuse going on, they had to take drastic steps," he said.

"I think the school is totally sick to think that the pictures in question can be classified as pornography. I am totally disgusted with the way the school has handled a child's innocent drawing of the human body. These are three little boys. They were interrogated by three teachers and were crying.

"Why didn't they contact me before it all got out of hand? To traumatise kids to this level is a shame. I would have no problem if they just said to the kids, 'These are your private parts and they must remain private.' "

Education MEC Dugmore said: "It's unfortunate that this is being viewed as pornography. It appears that proper procedures were not followed and I will be asking the department for a report."

Joan Campbell, a child sexuality therapist, said it was inappropriate to punish a child for drawing a picture of genitals.

Her advice was that when it happened for the first time, children should be spoken to and asked why they were doing it.

If it was a repeat offence, she suggested that the child may need help. "In some cases it could be that they've been exposed to porn, or that they're looking for attention."

Even if a picture was overtly sexual, the situation should be carefully handled. "I would speak to the parents, speak to the child and tell them these pictures can't be allowed in class. But you can't punish the child for drawing genitals."

Barnett declined to speak to the Cape Argus, referring us to the Western Cape Education Department.

What the classroom rules are

What classroom rules say Rondebosch East Primary School has four categories of misdemeanour - categories one to three and 'category X'.

Category X is the most serious, and includes pornography, rape, 'serious aggressive behaviour', satanism, theft, swearing at a teacher, smoking, spitting, extortion, carrying dangerous weapons, defamation of character and harming the school's public image.

Category one includes absenteeism, copying of homework, cheekiness, dishonesty and disruption of classes.

Category two includes leaving books at home, being late, failing to study for a test, littering, 'unconcerned attitude in class', 'throwing wet toilet paper against the ceiling', rollerblading or cycling on school grounds, appearance problems, 'arrogance on sportsfield' and 'soiled bathroom'.

Category three includes 'busy with other things', untidy work, eating in class, 'learners in staffroom' and 'windy'.

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