The importance of carrying proper identification and being at the correct voting station on election day

On voting day, it essential to have an ID document with you, otherwise you can’t vote. File Picture: Karen Sandison

On voting day, it essential to have an ID document with you, otherwise you can’t vote. File Picture: Karen Sandison

Published May 28, 2024


By Hope Ntanzi

South Africans hoping to participate in the elections need to be aware of the regulations that govern the voting process. On Wednesday, May 29, it is crucial that voters adhere to the strict guidelines regarding their polling station and identification requirements.

According to the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC), this ensures that votes are accurately counted and reduces the risk of voter fraud.

Each vote is assigned to a specific polling station based on the residential address indicated on the voters’ roll. The system is designed to streamline the voting process, prevent overcrowding, and maintain order on election day. Arriving at a voting station where one is not registered can result in being turned away, thus potentially forfeiting one’s chance to vote.

Equally important is the requirement for voters to present a valid form of identification. South African elections mandate that voters must have a green bar-coded ID book, a smart card, or a Temporary identification certificate (TIC). The ID is used to verify the voter's identity and eligibility to vote at that particular voting station.

Without proper identification, voters will not be permitted to cast their ballot. This measure is in place to uphold the integrity of the electoral by preventing impersonation and ensuring that each vote is legitimately cast. Therefore, it is essential for all voters to bring their ID documents to the polling station.

To avoid issues on voting day, voters must ensure that they know their assigned voting station and have their valid IDs ready.

IOL Elections