Salary struggles continue for Census 2022 staff

Fieldworkers visiting homes to collect census data for the 2022 national census. The South African National Census of 2022 is the 4th comprehensive census performed by Statistics South Africa. Picture:Ian landsberg/African News Agency (ANA).

Fieldworkers visiting homes to collect census data for the 2022 national census. The South African National Census of 2022 is the 4th comprehensive census performed by Statistics South Africa. Picture:Ian landsberg/African News Agency (ANA).

Published Mar 28, 2022


STATS SA is still facing woes over its failure to fully pay staffers recruited for the Census 2022 campaign.

Last week, frustrated Census field workers and supervisors picketed outside the organisation’s headquarters in Pretoria where they delivered a memorandum of demands.

These included their call for Stats SA to answer on their contracts and remuneration.

On Monday, field workers who spoke to IOL confirmed that some had received their salaries but not in full.

"I personally have not been paid. We were supposed to be paid on March 25 and they gave us excuses. Even today we did not receive any communication from Stats SA," said a field worker who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of reprisal.

She added: "They should just keep the money and give us a clear date on when they will pay us the full amount instead of giving us excuses."

Another field worker, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity, added that they had been calling their offices to enquire about the salaries.

"We were advised not to talk to the media but they are not answering our calls. What are we supposed to do now?

“Their communications skills are poor, especially for people who want to ease unemployment in the country but look at how ill-treated we are," she said.

Stats SA spokesperson Trevor Oosterwyk, who was sent questions via email last week Friday regarding the payments, said he was unaware of the issue as he was on leave.

Oosterwyk, however, agreed to respond to the questions sent to him as soon as he had full information on the salary payments.

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Political Bureau

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