Nomvula Mokonyane steps down from prominent ANC role

Nomvula Mokonyane. Picture: Itumeleng English/African News Agency(ANA) Archives

Nomvula Mokonyane. Picture: Itumeleng English/African News Agency(ANA) Archives

Published Mar 29, 2022


Durban - ANC national executive committee (NEC) member and former water and sanitation minister, Nomvula Mokonyane, has immediately stepped away as the chairperson of the party’s national disciplinary committee of appeal (NDCA), citing a heavy workload.

She said her work as the national head of the organising, membership and campaigns committee, which is a full-time position at Luthuli House in Johannesburg, requires her to be fully committed as the ANC is undergoing challenges.

She said prior to her appointment to this position, she was also serving as an NEC member, NWC (national working committee) member, both which at all times comes with a burden of a heavy workload.

This is contained in an undated letter Mokonyane wrote to deputy secretary-general of the governing party, Jessie Duarte.

While Mokonyane confirmed to Independent Media that the letter was legitimate, it was not clear why she decided to address it to Duarte, who is not at work due to ill-health, and her position has since been taken by Paul Mashatile and now by Dr Gwen Ramakgopa who officially took over early this week.

Picture: Supplied

“Having reflected on the two positions, which at times, are perceived in an unfortunate situation due to bother subjective and objective factors and or perceptions by some amongst us. I had thought that when the time for review of subcommittees comes, one will be recused from the NDCA. Unfortunately, that has not happened.

“I have since reflected on the matter and reached a decision that I be recused from convening the NDCA with immediate effect, depending on your consideration, I can remain as an ordinary member of the committee. The tasks of organisational renewal and rebuilding in the ANC require that I give serious focus on organising membership and campaigns given the challenges that the ANC is going through,” Mokonyane wrote to Duarte.

Mokonyane has been under fire from her detractors within the ANC, who are questioning why she was still occupying senior roles after she was implicated in Bosasa corruption in the last batch of the state capture commission report handed over to President Cyril Ramaphosa early this month.

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Political Bureau

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