LIVE RESULTS | Elections 2024: MK party demands recount

Follow IOL for up-to-date results from the National and Provincial Elections 2024.

Follow IOL for up-to-date results from the National and Provincial Elections 2024.

Published May 31, 2024


Follow IOL for up-to-date results from the National and Provincial Elections 2024.

MK rejects the results, calls for recount 

The MK party’s head of elections, Muzi Ntshingila, says the party is rejecting the outcome of the results displayed on the results board at the National Results Operation Centre in Midrand. 

At midnight, Ntshingila told an impromptu press briefing that they were not satisfied with the response from the IEC after they raised several objections about the results. 

He said they were demanding a manual recount of the results. 

With the counting of voting districts now at 86% in KZN, the MK is in the lead in KZN with 1.2 million votes or 44..4%. 

“We can't be at 45%,” Ntshingila told journalists.”We can't sit back and watch democracy be destroyed,” he said, alleging the results captured did not match the results from their agents. 

MK spokesperson Nhlamulo Ndhlela also questioned the two hour system glitch on Friday morning, saying it was “strange”.

“At this point we have no confidence in what is happening on that screen,” he said. 

Political parties had upto 9pm to raise objections with the commission. The MK said they were considering approaching the Electoral Court. 

Meanwhile, the CSIR elections projection model has forecast the MK to finish with 44.8% of the votes in KZN. 

The model also forecasts the IFP to become the official opposition in the province with 18.2%, the ANC with 17.3%, the DA with 13.5% and the EFF with 2.2%. 

Report by Sihle Mlambo 


The MK Party has just surpassed one million votes in KZN.

This comes as 84.57% of the voting districts have been counted and audited.

The MK also has over 277,000 votes in Gauteng. Over 12.6 million votes have been counted so far on the national-to-national ballot.

  1.  ANC 5.2 million - 41.16%
  2. DA 2.8 million - 22.15%
  3. MK 1.6 million - 13.29%
  4. ⁠EFF 1.1 million - 9.39%
  5. ⁠IFP 455,751 - 3.6%

Report by Sihle Mlambo

Against the background of less than par electoral performance, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Commander-in-Chief (CIC) Julius Malema is expected to outline the programme for his party going forward on Saturday at midday at the National Results Operations Centre (ROC) in Midrand.

This comes as the party is trailing behind the likes of the African National Congress (ANC), Democratic Alliance (DA), and the newly formed Umkhonto weSIzwe (MK) Party.

The top five include also the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) with the EFF sitting in fourth place. The Patriotic Alliance (PA) is occupying the sixth spot.

The EFF is well over the one million mark.

- Report by Kamogelo Moichela

EFF MP questions the credibility of the IEC after voting day glitches and says the EFF will be back stronger in 2029.

Report and video by Sihle Mlambo

Former president, Jacob Zuma’s MK party, which is poised to become the third largest political party in the country, has vowed not to negotiate with the “ANC of Ramaphosa” and would only form a coalition with like-minded movements that would be willing to change the Constitution.

Nhlamulo Ndhlela, MK party spokesperson, speaking to media at the IEC’s National Results Operations Centre in Midrand said that any party wanting to negotiate with them must be prepared to change the Constitution to affect repeal apartheid legislation such as the Irrigation Act which currently forces government to buy water from private dam owners.

“We want to form a united front, and there's no doubt about that, right? And we will find ourselves in that position at some point, naturally. But here's the criteria (for a coalition): are you patriotic? Are you progressive? Do we share the same ideologies? Are we aligned in terms of policy? Those are going to be the deciding factors in terms of how we work,” Ndhlela said.

In addition, he said that any negotiation to form a government must be pegged on giving Zuma a presidential pardon so that he can take a seat in the National Assembly and be eligible for the presidency.

Read full story.

- Report by Lee Rondganger

The EFF has finally reached one million votes after the 73.5% mark.

EFF MP Vuyani MP addressed the media on the steps of the National Results Operation Centre, saying Julius Malema would be at the ROC on Saturday.

He said the EFF had firm policies but South Africans had voted with parties with no policies.

The EFF is currently fourth.

  • ANC - 4.45 million
  • DA - 2.4 million
  • MK Party - 1.35 million
  • EFF - 1.01 million

- Report by Sihle Mlambo

EFF MP Vuyani Pambo addresses the media at National Results Operation Centre. Picture: Sihle Mlambo/IOL


With more than 80% of the vote counted in the Western Cape, the Democratic Alliance (DA) is at the top with 789,278 votes and has 53.2% of the vote.

The African National Congress (ANC) is behind the DA with 300,368 votes or 20.25% of the vote.

The Patriotic Alliance (PA) is in third position with 127,494 votes and has 8.59% of the vote.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has secured 77,012 and therefore has 5.19% of the vote so far.

- Report by Vernon Pillay

With more than 80% of the vote counted in the Western Cape, the Democratic Alliance (DA) is at the top with 789,278 votes and therefore has 53.2% of the vote.


The IFP has just moved up to second position in KwaZulu-Natal. With close to two million votes counted in the province, the MK Party continues to lead with 43.84% followed by the IFP on 18.21% and the ANC with 18.04%

The Top 5 in KZN

  • MK Party - 43.84%
  • IFP - 18.21%
  • ANC - 18.04%
  • DA - 13.65%
  • EFF - 2.19%

- Report by Se-Anne Rall

The IFP has just moved up to second position in KwaZulu-Natal.

MK Party spokesperson, Nhlamulo Ndhlela, said they were not willing to negotiate with the ANC of Cyril Ramaphosa. He said the party would only form coalitions with parties that shared their views of changing the Constitution.

Report by Kim Kay

After 10.3 million valid votes counted - or 71% of the voting districts - the ANC retains the lead but they are far from their 50% +1 target.

  • ANC 4.3 million - 41.7%
  • DA 2.3 million - 22.44%
  • MK 1.2 million - 12.38%
  • EFF 978,125 - 9.47%
  • IFP 326,569 - 3.16%

The Gauteng metros have yet to be factored and the MK Party could reach over a million votes in KZN alone.

- Report by Sihle Mlambo

The Provincial Electoral Officer for KZN, Ntombifuthi Masinga, has said that the counting for 13 municipalities has been completed and the results are final.

Teams in KZN have been beefed up to ensure that the counting deadline for the eThekwini Municipality, which is today, will be met.

Preliminary results will be announced on Sunday. There have been three objections so far and two have been dealt with and rejected.

- Report by Dhivana Rajgopaul

The Provincial Electoral Officer for KZN, Ntombifuthi Masinga, has said that the counting for 13 municipalities has been completed. Picture: Dhivana Rajgopaul/IOL

IEC Briefing Update

With the counting and capturing process soon concluding, the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) says it is pulling all stops to ensure the finalisation of the capturing and auditing of the election results for the 2024 National and Provincial elections.

IEC Chief Executive Sy Mamabolo says they intend to complete the process imminently.

“As indicated yesterday, counting at all voting stations is complete and we have all the results at our local offices. The process underway is capturing them on our system for tallying and seat allocation.

“So far a total percentage of 71.76 results have been captured,” he said.

He briefed the media about the counting and capturing of results.

Mamabolo reiterated its position to say their result boards did not crash as “reported” early on Friday and that no data was compromised.

“We wish to emphasise that our system did not crash and no data was compromised. The Commission went into the elections with a full IT plan, which include a backup and recovery in case it is needed. This situation has not arisen,” he said.

- Report by Kamogelo Moichela

IEC Chief Executive Sy Mamabolo briefed the media about the counting and capturing of results at the national Results Operations Centre (ROC) in Midrand. Picture: Kamogelo Moichela/IOL

ActionSA President Herman Mashaba is among party leaders who are not pleased by how the Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party is running the show in the 2024 national and provincial elections.

MK Party is currently in the top five of the leading contenders in the polls, sitting at position three.

It has kicked off the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) on the fourth floor.

“No one can dispute the impact of MKP. The party of a former president… I am not sure if it has ever happened in the world but with us, it has happened,” he said.

Mashaba said they won’t “commit suicide” because the MKP was running away with the election results.

Mashaba said he was not happy with their numbers because of how they ran their campaign across the country but said surely they would do better.

“These numbers are not what we were expecting but for us as a party…but here is an opportunity for us to be in parliament for the first,” he said.

ActionSA is sitting at position eight of the elections log with over 100,000 votes.

- Report by Kamogelo Moichela

ActionSA President Herman Mashaba is not pleased by how the MK Party is running the show in the 2024 national and provincial elections. Picture: Kamogelo Moichela/IOL


IOL News content manager Sihle Mlambo in conversation with political analyst Lukhona Mnguni. Mnguni says a grand coalition between the ANC, DA and IFP is a likely governance for the country, including the key economic provinces of KZN and Gauteng.

IFP chief whip Narend Singh said the leaders of the MultiParty Charter are set to meet on Friday afternoon to assess where they are and how they move forward.

“The MPC are meeting later this afternoon to figure out how the MPC should move, whether as a bloc or as individual parties.

“We will know closer to the end of the day, we need to sort that out first before we move forward,” he told IOL.

On the possibilities of an ANC, DA and IFP grand coalition, he said: “We have heard about it, we have not given it much thought. Is it possible? To a large degree it will depend on the DA,” he said.

Singh said they had not been approached by the ANC, but they were hearing murmurs. He said they would listen.

He said they would like to see more opposition parties as portfolio chairperson in Parliament, not just their spokesperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa, who is the chairperson of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa).

He stated they would also like to see ambassadorial roles for the opposition too.

- Report by Sihle Mlambo

PA is a party for all citizens, says party's provincial chairperson

The provincial chairperson of the Patriotic Alliance (PA) in Gauteng, Dino Peterson, said people or political parties who said the PA won’t make it to parliament, will have to swallow their words.

Judging from the numbers, he said it is now clear that the PA was not a party for only coloured people, but to all citizens.

Peterson was reflecting on the national ballot results from election day.

“Those are not only from coloured people. Those votes are coming from the people that the ANC and DA have been marginalising where they are governing.

“The ANC and DA are crying over the votes of the PA and MK Party saying they are voting across ethnic lines. There’s no such thing,” Peterson said.

PA is currently in the top five of the leading political parties in terms of election results.

Peterson said they will meet in parliament.

- Report by Kamogelo Moichela

DA + ANC? That's an option, says Zille

DA council federal chairperson said they will meet with other leaders of the MultiParty Charter and with the DA Federal Executive to consider the DA’s plans going forward.

After 63% of the votes counted, the DA is on 22.88% with the ANC with 41.86% and the MK third at 11.8%.

Asked if the DA would be willing to work with the ANC, Zille told IOL: “That’s one of many options. When a party falls below 50%, there are many options.

“One of the options is to put a minority government in place and have a confidence and supply model.

“A minority government would put the biggest party into government and the biggest opposition party would demand significant concessions for support of budgets and various other things, it would drive its own agenda from the opposition benches but hold all of the oversight portfolios such as parliament, portfolio chairs, etc,” she said.

Zille said the ANC had not approached them, but she was then seen embracing ANC deputy secretary general Nomvula Mokonyane and chairperson Gwede Mantashe quickly after speaking with IOL.

- Report by Sihle Mlambo

DA council federal chairperson says they will meet with other leaders of the MultiParty Charter and with the DA Federal Executive to consider the DA’s plans going forward. Picture: Sihle Mlambo/IOL

1pm: MK Party hits 1,000,000 votes and DA hits 2,000,000 at 62.43% mark

There were sounds of jubilation on the floor of the national results operations centre as the Democratic Alliance hit the 2 million vote mark.

Political newcomers the MK Party was also continuing on their upward trajectory and have reached the 1,000,000 mark.

Report by Kim Kay

Why would people want Zuma to lead them, questions ActionSA

"Its shocking to think people would want someone like Zuma to lead them after all he's done to destroy this country."

That's the word from ActionSA Chairperson in KwaZulu-Natal, Zwakele Mncwango.

He was responding to the success of the uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MK Party) headed by former president Jacob Zuma.

The party's high support, in KZN especially, has wiped the slates of political parties in the current count so far.

Its left other political parties, including ActionSA, reeling and questioning their own strategies.

Speaking to IOL, Mncwango said he could not understand how voters chose ethnic identity over real policies in making their voting decisions.

"MK affected us all, there is no question about that. But people voted for one man. They did not have any clear economic policy, we don't know much about them but people voted just because they support Zuma," a defeated Mncwango told IOL.

"We must ask ourselves the question what do South Africans want? It seems they don't care about voting for policies that will change their lives." 

It's the first national election contested by ActionSA and a far cry from their previous performance at a local election level where they emerged king maker. Their performance in this election currently stands at less than 1%, leaving the party defeated and saying it would relook at its strategy going forward.

- Report by Zohra Teke

ANC's first Deputy Secretary General, Nomvula Mokonyane says the party remains “comfortable” and will continue to monitor the results as they keep coming through.

- Video by Kamogelo Moichela

With more than 50% of the votes counted in KwaZulu-Natal, the MK Party sits comfortably at the top with 664,575 votes.

The ANC is holding onto their second spot with 275,440 votes as the IFP chases them with 268,683.

The DA continues to hold the fourth spot with 214,100 votes.

- Report by Dhivana Rajgopaul


Counting: 59.09% completed

ANC: 41.88% (3,499,418 votes)

DA: 23.22% (1,939,877 votes)

MK: 11.52% (962,905 votes)

EFF: 9.48% (791,965 votes)

IFP: 2.79% (232,807 votes)

The DA's Helen Zille greets ANC first deputy secretary general Nomvula Mokonyane and chairperson Gwede Mantashe.

The DA FedEx is expected to meet at the weekend to discuss their coalition plans and also discuss the performance of the Multiparty Charter.

- Report by Sihle Mlambo

DA FedEx council chairperson Helen Zille in a warm exchange with the ANC's Nomvula Mokonyane and Gwede Mantashe.

Video: Sihle Mlambo / IOL

eThekwini, the ANC's stronghold in KZN, looks set to fall to the uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MK Party) which is ravaging ANC and IFP support in KwaZulu-Natal, internal projections from former president Jacob Zuma's fledgling party reveal.

MK is expected to lose less than 40 out of the 869 voting districts in eThekwini - signalling the final nail in the coffin for the ANC in the province.

Those lost so far include affluent DA areas like Kloof, Hillcrest and Durban North which include Umhlanga. In the King Cetshwayo region the party is expected to lose less than 10 wards of the 107 based on number crunches.

MK provincial co-ordinator Buhle Khumalo also confirmed to IOL that it lost in 3 wards in UMhlathuze, the third largest Municipality in KZN. Two wards here were retained by the DA and one by the IFP. But, the losses are minimal as the results show the party heading for an unprecedented victory in KZN.

"Counting is still continuing but we are very happy with our outcome so far. We are expecting our numbers to still significantly increase but all good so far," Khumalo added.

Read the full story here.

- Report by Zohra Teke

The MK Party's Ndaba Gcwabaza says they have not decided who will take up the Premier seat in KwaZulu-Natal where the party continues to rake in the most number of votes.

With 44.89% of the votes counted in KZN, the MK Party has 43.77% of the votes, followed by the ANC with 18.19% and the IFP on 17.44%.

- Report and video by Se-Anne Rall

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) slammed the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) for what it described as “incompetence” after the results dashboard was offline for almost two hours on Friday morning.

It said the crashing of the dashboard highlighted the incompetence and inability of the IEC to safeguard democracy.

“This incompetence was first witnessed on voting day when the VMD machines were not fully functional in many voting stations across the country," it said in a statement.

"This resulted in long lines and a longer voting process which were not properly managed by the institution.” 

The EFF said this was concerning and warranted a thorough investigation to ensure transparency and integrity in the electoral process.

Read more on the IEC results board here.

- Report by Kamogelo Moichela

Upbeat DA leader John Steenhuisen said they were “feeling good” and confident about their results in the May 29 elections.

Video: Sihle Mlambo / IOL

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) slams the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) for what it describes as “incompetence” after the results dashboard was offline for almost two hours on Friday morning.

It said the crashing of the dashboard highlighted the incompetence and inability of the IEC to safeguard democracy.

“This incompetence was first witnessed on voting day when the VMD machines were notfully functional in many voting stations across the country. This resulted in long lines and alonger voting process which were not properly managed by the institution,” it said in a statement.

The EFF said this was concerning and warranted a thorough investigation to ensure transparency and integrity in the electoral process.

- Report by Kamogelo Moichela

The upbeat Democratic Alliance leader John Steenhuisen said they were “feeling good” and confident about their results in the May 29 elections.

“Feeling good, feeling confident," he said arriving at the national Results Centre in Midrand on Friday.

"We are the only party in Parliament on the growth trajectory with seats and an ANC below 50%, what more could you want as a democrat out of the election."

- Report by Sihle Mlambo

Interesting to note that with 41.78% of the votes counted in KwaZulu-Natal, Thanasagren Moodley, well-known Durban comedian popularly known as “Karou Charousecured 4,258 votes, ahead of Gayton Mckenzie's Patriot Alliance in the province.

- Report by Se-Anne Rall

9:15am: The IEC election results dashboard is back after almost two hours of being offline.

With 55.19% votes validated, the ANC have 41.95% (3,256,822 votes) nationally.

The DA has 23.66% (1,837,069 votes) and the MK Party has 10.90% (846,489), followed by the EFF with 9.57% (742,942 votes) and the PA with 2.74% (212,782 votes).

— Kamogelo Vega (@Kamogelo_Vegaa) May 31, 2024

9am: With over 40% of the vote counted in KwaZulu-Natal, the MK Party is the forerunner with more than 500,000 votes followed ANC with 210,361 and the IFP trails closely behind with 201,791.

The DA holds with fourth spot with 166,261 votes.

- Report by Dhivana Rajgopaul

8.45am: The IEC’s deputy chief electoral officer Mawethu Mosery on Firday, apologised for the results system crash and announced that results should be back online in another 30 minutes.

The screens at the National Results Operation Centre in Midrand and other provincial centres have gone offline for over an hour.

Mosery said when the system went offline, the count was at 54%, but they were now at the 58% mark.

Addressing any possible conspiracy about the results and the crash, he said: “At all our capturing offices in the municipalities, we have a party liaison committees who are capturing the results.

“They know what came from the station, there is always a check,” said Mosery.

- Report by Sihle Mlambo

7.30am: The IEC’s election results dashboard has gone offline.

The dashboard is temporarily not displaying any results data about the elections nationwide. According to reports, the dashboard is down at the results centers across the country.

- Report by Sihle Mlambo

Jacob Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe Party continues to dominate at the polls, effectively kicking the Economic Freedom Fighters into fourth spot, nationally.

With 12,050 of 23,293 Voting Districts completed, the ANC is at 42.34 percent, with the DA on 23.38 percent and the MK Party at 10.77 percent.

Counting continues with the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) set to deliver results within the seven-day deadline.

Source: IEC


IEC explains process of capturing and validating votes

The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) is continuing with the process of capturing and validating votes following the completion of voting, earlier this week.

“The process of results compilation entails ensuring accuracy and validation of the results. This process involves scanning each result slip to create an image of the result, double-blind capture of each result slip, and auditing each result slip by independent auditors. The result system was audited externally and parties had occasion to also audit,” the IEC said.

A result is only considered complete when a result slip has been scanned into an image, captured on the results system, audited by independent auditors, and gone through the automated result system exception parameters.

According to the Electoral Act, the IEC has seven days to announce the results.

- Report by Robin-Lee Franke 

Counting is 51.92% completed by 6am with ANC, DA and MK Party still in top three positions

South Africans woke up to the news that counting was 51.92% completed on Friday morning at 6am. With just over 7.2 million votes counted, the African National Congress (ANC) had 42.34% (3,034,025 votes) while the Democratic Alliance had 23.39% (1,676,433 votes) and former president Jacob Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe Party had 10.77% ( 772,109 votes) nationally.

- Report by Devereaux Morkel

With a third of the votes counted, South Africa's ruling ANC is on course to win another general election but lose its 30-year-old outright majority, partial results showed Thursday.

According to the Independent Electoral Commission, President Cyril Ramaphosa's African National Congress has won 42.19 percent of the votes, with 7,658 districts out of 23,293 reporting.

This would leave it the largest single party in the National Assembly but, crucially, without the absolute majority it has won in every previous national vote since the advent of democracy in 1994. Report by AFP

During the final press conference for the day on Thursday, the IEC’s general manager Granville Abrahams said they had counted at least 55% of the votes, but there some delays on the board in order to ensure accuracy.