It's dog eat dog in row about 'metaphor'

Published Apr 11, 2006


The metaphor that led to a heated exchange between the ANC Youth League and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) was taken out of context, said the man who caused all the trouble.

The league spokesperson, Zizi Kodwa, said his reference to beating dogs was not aimed at NPA boss Vusi Pikoli as the media had insinuated.

"Our criticism of the Scorpions is that we don't believe they are independent. We have always suspected they are just the messenger and I used the idiom that if you can't find the person who owns the dog you must hit the dog hard so the owner can come out," he said.

He could not answer for any misinterpretation.

The row intensified after the NPA threatened to lay a charge of incitement to violence against Kodwa. The threat elicited a bullish response from the league, challenging the NPA to "touch Kodwa" and "meet the wrath of the youth league". - Political Bureau

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