Election Day: What you can and cannot post on social media

Before you go crazy posting on social media about voting, make sure that you know the social media do’s and don’ts. Picture: Freepik

Before you go crazy posting on social media about voting, make sure that you know the social media do’s and don’ts. Picture: Freepik

Published May 28, 2024


South Africa’s seventh national election is just around the corner, but before you start posting on social media it is essential to understand what is permissible and what is not.

Anna Collard, SVP Content Strategy and Evangelist, KnowBe4 Africa said: “In a time where every post, like, and share carries significant weight, navigating social media on election day requires a delicate balance between freedom of expression and electoral integrity.”

“With the country’s political future hanging in the balance, understanding the do’s and don’ts of online content sharing becomes paramount.”

Collard said that people need to be mindful of the legal boundaries of online expression and grasp the consequences of their social media actions, as it may influence the electoral process.

Before you share anything in the run up to election day or on the day, here are some important tips to follow to protect the fairness of the voting process and encourage good online behaviour.

What you can post

Share a photo of your inked thumb on election day, along with hashtags like #IVoted or #ElectionDay is a perfectly acceptable way to show your civic pride and encourage other people to vote, according to Collard.

Collard said that posting factual information on how and where to vote provided by the IEC is also encouraged.

“As long as your posts don’t sway how others should vote, you’re on the right track. Just be mindful of who features in the photos you share on social media so that you’re not violating anyone’s right to privacy,” Collard said.

What you cannot post

The big no-no on election day is to post an image of your marked ballot paper. Don’t do it.

Collard said: “The secrecy of the ballot is central to the integrity of the electoral process and sharing how you or anyone else has voted violates this principle.”

Another taboo is social media campaigning on election day.

According to Collard, posting content that could be seen as an attempt to persuade voters on election day itself is prohibited, including sharing political campaigning material, party slogans or anything that promotes a specific party or candidate.

Violations of election regulations can lead to severe penalties, including fines or imprisonment. Beyond legal repercussions, there is also a risk of public backlash and harm to your reputation.

Collard said: “Taking a photo of your marked ballot may invalidate your vote if it compromises its secrecy.”

The IEC actively monitors social media for violations during elections and may use online evidence for prosecution.

“The widespread sharing of such images on social platforms can escalate the offence and increase the chances of detection,” Collard said.

What about misinformation and fake news?

Even though information is freely available in this digital age, it is not always correct or accurate. What is even worse, is people may intentionally create it to mislead voters.

The Association for African Electoral Authorities (AAEA) has acknowledged that one of the most pressing challenges it faces is the spreading of false news on social media.

These disinformation campaigns have been created to manipulate public opinion and can influence election results, sometimes even leading to social unrest.

Deepfakes are also a worrying trend. “These hyper-realistic videos created using artificial intelligence make it appear as though a politician is saying or doing something they’re not,” Collard said.

Collard urges users to critically evaluate the credibility of posts through multiple sources before believing or sharing them.

“Trust nothing you see trending on social media, even if it sounds and looks real. Be wary of content that seems designed to elicit a strong emotional response,” Collard said.

If you are unsure if the news is real or false, there are several useful sites to help cross-reference election information, such as Africa Check and Padre.

Report fake news directly to the social media platform for immediate removal.