ANC NEC needs to be dissolved - Retired General Maomela Mojo Motau

Protesters marching outside Luthuli House. File Image: IOL

Protesters marching outside Luthuli House. File Image: IOL

Published Mar 27, 2021


By Ntombi Nkosi

Johannesburg - The Retired General of the South African National Defence Force, Chief of Military Intelligence and a former member of uMkhonto we Sizwe High Command, Maomela Mojo Motau called on the ANC NEC to be dissolved.

Motau said that there are forces within the ANC that want to destroy the organisation.

Speaking outside Luthuli House on Saturday during the protest Motau and those attending vowed to protect the party.

This is happening while the ANC is hosting their NEC meeting over three days.

Motau expressed disappointment at the party’s leadership because he said he wanted to address the NEC meeting but was unable to.

Ordinary members of the ANC, COSAS, SASCO, ANCYL, SANCO, former MK members and more structures in support of Motau marched up and down Pixley Ka Isaka Seme St, there was high police presence.

Motau said their letter is demanding that the NEC must give them an opportunity to address it.

He said as leaders of the ANC they need to listen to cadres, since they want to address them.

“The central issue here is that we are convinced that once we address them they would see the reason why they should go. The NEC needs to be reconstituted because within the ANC, we are aware that there are people who do not want to save the ANC.There are people who are serving the external agenda to destroy the ANC.

“We know that now the ANC is being told that it is going to govern in a coalition and nobody seems to be challenging that issue. Cyril Ramaphosa is the president of the ANC was told that they can only work with him in a coalition.We didn't hear him loud and clear say I am not going to work with the DA, because DA represent enemy of this country,” said Motau.

He received cheers from the masses when he said: “The ANC is ours, we will never hand over the ANC to white monopoly capital”.

Motau said they will not even ask for an early conference, they will expel them.

Chris Ackeer representing the office of the ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule accepted the memorandum, and promised the protesters that the office will attend to them within seven days.


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