ANC asks double murder accused MEC Mandla Msibi to step aside or face removal

Mpumalanga MEC Mandla Msibi is accused of being involved in a shooting where two people died. Picture: Mpumalanga Provincial Government

Mpumalanga MEC Mandla Msibi is accused of being involved in a shooting where two people died. Picture: Mpumalanga Provincial Government

Published Oct 13, 2021


Cape Town - Former Mpumalanga MEC Mandla Msibi has been asked by the ANC in the province to step aside or face removal from the party.

This is in line with the ANC resolution that members charged with corruption or other serious crimes should step aside.

ANC acting provincial secretary Lindiwe Ntshalintshali said Msibi, who was due to appear in court on Wednesday when his bail application would continue to be heard, would have to step aside as the charges he faced were serious.

Premier Refilwe Mtsweni-Tsipane fired Msibi from his position as MEC for agriculture, land reform and environmental affairs on Tuesday.

The ANC in Mpumalanga said it would not tolerate any wrongdoing by its members.

Ntshalintshali said their members would have to abide by party decisions.

“The ANC takes thee allegations against Mr Msibi extremely seriously, as it contravenes our constitution which protects the right of life for every citizen,” said Ntshalintshali.

She said the party would not tolerate any violence in society and members should respect the rule of law.

“The ANC condemns all forms of violence and appeals to all members of the ANC to desist from the act of resolving problems through violent means in all sections of their lives.

“We further call on all our members to respect the judicial process under way and discourage them from mobilising members against the judiciary and other state institutions,” said Ntshalintshali.

Msibi’s bail hearing will continue on Wednesday where the investigating officer is expected to give evidence in court.

His arrest is linked to a shooting in August when two people were killed and one was injured.

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Political Bureau

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anccrime and courts