ANC 108: Saul calls on members to help the party instead of harming it

NORTHERN Cape Premier Zamani Saul.

NORTHERN Cape Premier Zamani Saul.

Published Jan 11, 2020


Kimberley - ANC Northern Cape chairperson Zamani Saul, has called on ANC members to use this year to self introspect in order to strengthen the party. 

Saul was indirectly addressing rampant factionalism that is tearing the ruling party apart. He said members should ask themselves if what they were doing  was helpful or harmful to the party.

He said this while giving the welcoming remarks in Kimberley on Saturday where the ANC was celebrating 108 years since it was formed in 1912.

Zamani Saul calls for self revolution within the ANC. Video: Sihle Mavuso

Addressing perceptions that the party is a haven to corrupt people, Saul said leaders must not relent in fighting the scourge even if it means personal loss to them.

Meanwhile, ANC chairperson, Gwede  Mantashe, dropped a bombshell when he told party supporters inside the stadium that the fourth member of the alliance, the South African national Civic Organisation (SANCO), would not, as usual, give message of support because of the squabbles it was facing. 

At the present moment, the organisation has two structures who are in court fighting to dethrone one another.

Mantashe explained that for this reason, there would be no message of support from Sanco.

Political Bureau

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