Eastern Cape man handed two life terms for raping a 10-year-old girl

Sinethemba Nkomentaba, 33, was sentenced to two life sentences for the rape of a 10-year-old girl in 2018 and 2019. Picture: thawornnurak

Sinethemba Nkomentaba, 33, was sentenced to two life sentences for the rape of a 10-year-old girl in 2018 and 2019. Picture: thawornnurak

Published Sep 1, 2023


An Eastern Cape man who repeatedly raped a 10-year-old girl at Ntlola, in the Mvenyane area of the district of Matatiele, has been sentenced to two life terms in prison.

The Maluti Regional Court has sentenced Sinethemba Nkomentaba, 33, to two life sentences for the rape of a 10-year-old girl. The rapes were committed in 2018 and 2019.

Nkomentaba stayed in the neighbourhood of Ntlola, in the Mvenyane area of the district of Matatiele, and is related to the victim’s parents.

On one Sunday in 2018, the victim's grandparents went to church, but the victim did not go as she was not feeling well.

"Nkomentaba arrived as she was watching television, took her to one of the bedrooms, and raped her. He then threatened her not to report this to anyone," NPA regional spokesperson Luxolo Tyali said.

In 2019, the victim went to Nkomentaba’s homestead to see her friends when she was called to the room by him, saying he wanted to send her to the shop.

"When the victim entered, he grabbed her and raped her before threatening her with death if she reported.

"The victim reported this to her cousin in 2022, and the case was opened. The accused pleaded not guilty, denying that he raped the victim," Tyali said.

The Regional Court Prosecutor, Lubabalo Msongelwa, led the evidence of the victim and three other witnesses.

Regional Court Magistrate Nombuso Nqwenani found the accused guilty of two counts of rape and found that there are no substantial and compelling circumstances justifying deviation from a prescribed minimum sentence of life for each rape.

Meanwhile, the Eastern Cape Director of Public Prosecutions, Barry Madolo, commended the prosecutor and the investigating officer for their meticulous collection and presentation of evidence.

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