Fleeing brutal militia, thousands of Congolese seek asylum in Uganda

Asylum seekers from the Democratic Republic of Congo wait for health screening near the border in Zombo, Uganda. Photo: UNHCR

Asylum seekers from the Democratic Republic of Congo wait for health screening near the border in Zombo, Uganda. Photo: UNHCR

Published Jul 7, 2020


Kampala - Uganda has accepted at least 3 000 refugees fleeing

armed militia terrorizing villages in the Congo's Ituri province over

the course of three days, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

said on Tuesday.

The refugees entered Uganda between July 1 and 3 during a temporary

opening of the border, the UNHCR's Charlie Yaxley said in a


Congolese authorities said they were part of a larger group of about

45 000 who had fled Ituri after brutal clashes in May.

While some had returned home, about 40 000 were still waiting near

the border.

"We are closing the border again because we have to protect the

country against Covid-19," Ugandan Minister for Relief, Disaster

Preparedness and Refugees Hillary Onek told dpa.

Sixty-five per cent of the refugees are women and children, UNHCR

Communication Officer Duniya Khan told dpa, adding they would be

housed in a quarantine centre.

On Monday, the UN issued an investigative report which claimed that

the armed group, Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), had been expanding

its operations in Congo after military campaigns against it.

The radical Islamist ADF has been active in eastern Congo for more

than three decades and are now active in other areas such as Ituri,

further north, the UN reported.

Since October, the number and the intensity of the attacks have

increased significantly, with assailants using heavy weapons and

destroying whole villages and health centres, the report said.

Uganda is host to about 1.4-million displaced people, however, the

East African country's refugee response faces multiple challenges due

to underfunding, the agency said.


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