WATCH: 89 police officers arrested for selling booze confiscated during lockdown raids

Published Apr 22, 2020


Durban - Police Minister, Bheki Cele, has had to crack the whip on his own officers after 89 policemen were arrested for allegedly re-selling confiscated alcohol during the lockdown. 

Cele was in Durban on Wednesday to observe lockdown operations in the city. 

Speaking at a media briefing, Cele said one of the challenges that they have faced has been effecting arrests on security forces, government officials and some public office bearers,

specifically councillors and police officers. 

"To date, we have arrested 131 members of the security forces, government officials and some public office bearers,

specifically councillors. In the latest incident, two sergeants from Gauteng were arrested for demanding a bribe from a businessman

who had contravened the lockdown regulations. The promised him that they would destroy the docket if he paid them R12 000."

"The members we have arrested face a variety of charges relating to the prohibition of

the selling of liquor during the lockdown where some were caught drinking, some

buying and selling liquor, some for corruption and defeating the ends of justice, some

for organising gatherings in contravention of the regulations with some even going as far

as allegedly staging break-ins in the Western Cape just to go and steal alcohol from

closed liquor outlets," he said.

Cele also paid tribute to five members of the security forces who have lost their lives during

the lock down. 

He said on Tuesday, a female detective sergeant in Gauteng was shot and


"A member of the SANDF lost his life at a roadblock

after a truck driver lost control and crashed onto the embankment, landing on the

soldier who was declared dead oat the scene. Another soldier also lost his life in an

accident in Mpumalanga over the weekend, while two SAPS members were buried in

Limpopo and the Northern Cape respectively after they were both killed in the line of

lockdown duty," he said.

The Mercury

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