Schools urged to punish pupils who participate in the new #anythingbutschoolshoes Tik Tok challenge

In videos circulating on Tik Tok pupils are seen wearing various types of shoes besides their school shoes in the new #anythingbutschoolshoes TikTok #SchoolChallenge. Picture: Screen grab of video.

In videos circulating on Tik Tok pupils are seen wearing various types of shoes besides their school shoes in the new #anythingbutschoolshoes TikTok #SchoolChallenge. Picture: Screen grab of video.

Published Mar 17, 2022


DURBAN - SCHOOLS have been urged to monitor the “crazy” TikTok challenge that pupils are participating in.

The KZN Department of Education said schools must be strict and apply their code of conduct and ensure that discipline is maintained – as pupils engage in the new school challenge. The department has condemned the #anythingbutschoolshoes challenge.

In the challenge, the pupils do not wear their school shoes and instead don containers for goods such as milk and different types of shoes. They sometimes dance and showcase their “shoes” for the day.

Department spokesperson Sihle Mlotshwa said they were against all these “crazy” challenges.

“We urge schools to be strong and strictly apply the school’s code of conduct and ensure that discipline is maintained at all times,” said Mlotshwa.

The National Association of School Governing Bodies’ general-secretary, Matakanye Matakanya said they also condemned these challenges and called on school governing bodies (SGBs) “to strengthen their policies so that when learners come to schools without a full school uniform they get punished. The pupils need to take school very seriously. School is for learning and for discipline so that children can attain knowledge, values, and skills”.

He further called on the department support SGBs when they strengthened their policies. He said pupils who participated in this challenge should face the consequences of their actions, by being suspended from school and undergoing a disciplinary hearing.

“Parents must not allow their children to go to school without their full school uniform,” he said.

Vee Gani, chairperson of the KZN Parents’ Association, also said schools should deal with pupils who participated in the challenge.

“Parents need to get involved in order to ensure that children comply with schools’ code of conduct and the dress code of the school. Their responsibility is to make sure that this happens.”