NFP speaks on its ambitions in KZN; wants provincial cabinet post

NFP Party president Ivan Barnes revealed that the party leadership had met the ANC in KZN recently for formal talks and made a presentation on its desires.

NFP Party president Ivan Barnes revealed that the party leadership had met the ANC in KZN recently for formal talks and made a presentation on its desires.

Published Jun 11, 2024


The National Freedom Party (NFP) is eyeing a cabinet post in the government that will be formed to lead KwaZulu-Natal.

Party president Ivan Barnes revealed that the party leadership had met the ANC in KZN recently for formal talks and made a presentation on its desires.

He said whether the province is led through a coalition or a Government of National Unity (GNU), the NFP has proposed that it be allocated a provincial cabinet post.

The country has to be governed through a coalition or a GNU after the ANC failed to secure a majority in last month’s elections and for the first time in 30 years fell below 50%.

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced last week that the ANC would be inviting different parties to form a GNU. While most parties have indicated a willingness to join, the EFF has said it will not take part if the DA is part of a GNU.

It has been reported that ActionSA has also ruled itself out of a GNU as it does not want to partner with the ANC on anything.

The DA and IFP top leadership structures held meetings on Monday to discuss the way forward on whether they will participate in a GNU and under what conditions.

One member of the DA, who was not part of the party’s discussions but was aware of its sentiments, said the party was unlikely to resist taking part in the GNU, but that depended on what conditions it put forward.

Barnes said the NFP was looking forward to playing a meaningful role in governing the province.

“I can confirm that the NFP NEC has met and resolved to formally open engagement with all the parties. I can confirm that we have had formal engagement with the ANC and we have had an informal engagement with the IFP.

There has been no engagement with the uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MK Party), EFF and the DA.

The NFP, with its one seat, is likely to be critical in the forming of a government in KwaZulu-Natal. It is likely to be a “kingmaker” should the MK Party and the ANC in KZN not go into a coalition with one another.

The MK Party, which is challenging the election outcome in court and has called for a fresh election, is the majority party in KZN after securing 45% of the vote. But it could be blocked from governing the province if the ANC, DA, IFP and the NFP form a coalition.

Barnes said the ANC had offered the party in the province either a cabinet post or the speakership in the legislature.

Barnes said the party has opted for the cabinet post.

“We have said that we want to be involved in direct service delivery to the public; we wanted a cabinet post.”

He said at national level, they have put together a document that they will be sending to the ANC’S national leadership on the type of role that the NFP can play in the National Assembly, despite not making the cut.

Attempts to speak to the ANC and MK Party were unsuccessful on Monday.

The Mercury

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