MUT pays tribute to Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the founder of the university

Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi. File Picture: Theo Jeptha/ African News Agency(ANA)

Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi. File Picture: Theo Jeptha/ African News Agency(ANA)

Published Sep 10, 2023


Durban – Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT) paid tribute to the university’s founder, Mangosuthu Buthelezi, who died on Saturday.

The Traditional Prime minister of the Zulu monarch and IFP founder, celebrated his 95th birthday in hospital recently.

A statement was issued on behalf of MUT’s leadership, including Chancellor Sandile Zungu, administrator Professor Lourens Van Staden and Acting Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Marcus Ramogale, on Sunday.

The leadership said Buthelezi was also a mentor, friend, philanthropist, and father to many South Africans. He meant so many things to so many people.

“To his family, friends, MUT staff, MUT students and alumni, we say ‘Uwile umuthi omkhulu’, a big tree has fallen. The gigantic tree that Prince Mangosuthu was, spread its roots across South Africa and the entire African continent.”

The university said Buthelezi’s death had come as a shock as they had just celebrated his discharge from the hospital.

“The community of Mangosuthu University of Technology is in grief.”

MUT said Buthelezi established MUT in 1979 with just 15 students, knowing as a visionary person that this small institution would grow into a large educational organisation that would have the greatest impact on the poor and the marginalised.

“Today MUT has over 14,000 students and has produced more than 42,000 alumni who are employed across the world as industry and business leaders, as CEOs and as technical specialists in wide-ranging careers.”

MUT said Buthelezi was bold and knew how to use his network for the benefit of “abantu abampisholo”, meaning marginalised people and communities.

“He used this expression many times. It was indeed his compassion for the poor that impelled him to approach Sir Harry Oppenheimer of Anglo-American to provide seed funding for the establishment of MUT in 1979. Anglo-American continues even today to support MUT with student bursaries.”

The university said MUT is grateful that they were able to honour Buthelezi when he was still alive at the 2022 graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Engineering, for his vision that led to the establishment of MUT with the Faculty of Engineering as a founding entity. Today MUT is a proud technological institution with a strong focus on science, engineering and technology (SET).

“All of us have known uMntwana as a person who always wanted nothing but the best for MUT. He was like a father who provides the best for his children and stands there to watch in awe as the children exceed all expectations.”

MUT said it would ensure that the university continues to grow in strength and stature so that his legacy is honoured and protected.

“The university will organise its memorial service next week after having made arrangements with the family.

“May Shenge’s soul rest in eternal peace. Lala ngokuthula, Mntwana wakwaPhindangene, uShenge, Sokwalise, Phungashe!

“Shenge, Nqengelele kaMnyamana, Nandingamondi, Sondiya!”