Msunduzi set to appoint a new municipal manager

Pietermaritzburg City Hall. File Picture.

Pietermaritzburg City Hall. File Picture.

Published Apr 21, 2022


DURBAN - THE Msunduzi Municipality hopes to have a new municipal manager on duty by August 1.

The process is still in the early stages as the municipality is accepting applications for the post. It will then move to the selection process, then interviews, before the appointment.

Mayor Mzimkhulu Thebolla said they had initially intended to make the appointment in July, which is the start of the new financial year, but this could not be achieved as the council had to extend the period of advertising the post because it had been too short.

The position of municipal manager became vacant last month after the resignation of Madoda Khathide.

He had been with the municipality for about three years.

“We hope to have made the appointment by August, but that will also depend on the person we appoint. If the person is working somewhere else, they might need time to serve notice at that job,” he said.

Thebolla said the advert had spelt out the skills and experience needed by the possible candidate, and he hoped they would “attract a candidate of stature who would be able to lead the Msunduzi Municipality back to being a town that residents can be proud of”.

A residents and ratepayers’ association said the municipality should appoint an individual who was able to fix the problems the municipality faced.

Anthony Waldhausen, the chairperson of the Msunduzi Association of Residents, Ratepayers and Civics, said they had written to the municipality requesting transparency in the appointment process.

He said they had requested the CVs of the applicants and details relating to the appointment process, but they were informed by the municipality that they must submit a Promotion of Access to Information Act (Paia) application.

“The appointment of the municipal manager is an important process that has the public interest at heart, and we deem it necessary that the public be made aware of all the processes.”

He said it was important that the appointment be transparent because this was a crucial position, and therefore a suitably qualified individual should be appointed.

ACDP councillor Rienus Niemand said the municipality should appoint a person who was properly qualified, experienced, and had integrity.

Niemand said he shared the sentiments of the ratepayers’ association regarding the need for transparency. He alleged that the last process had not been transparent, and key information was not presented to the council.

IFP councillor Thinasonke Ntombela said Msunduzi was a big municipality and whoever was appointed should be skilled and have the expertise to lead it.

“We do not want a candidate who is coming from a small municipality. We also do not want a “Johnnycome-lately” to take over in light of the challenges that we have faced,” Ntombela said.