Durban Metro Police placed on high alert following threats of planned shutdown

Durban Metro Police. File Picture

Durban Metro Police. File Picture

Published Jun 9, 2022


DURBAN – eThekweni Municipality has announced that the Durban Metro Police are on high alert following reports of a planned shutdown today (June 10).

The city said Mayor Mxolisi Kaunda warned that any protest action that takes place must be lawful and peaceful.

Kaunda added that those who may want to take advantage of the situation and break the law would face its full might.

The city said the mayor had placed all Metro Police officers on standby to respond to any unlawful conduct that could destabilise the economy of the city and infringe on the rights of residents that are not part of the shutdown.

“The city is still reeling from the effects of the recent floods. While we are all concerned about the price of petrol, disrupting businesses, and shutting down the country is counter-productive.

“It will reverse all the gains that we have made following disruptions related to Covid, the July unrest and the recent floods. The law will take its course in the event of anyone disregarding it,” said Kaunda.

Kaunda also confirmed that the municipality remains open for its normal operations tomorrow.

In a statement today, South Africa’s National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) said it was aware of unsigned messages and posters circulating on various social media platforms calling for a national shutdown.

“Those behind these messages are warned and reminded that prohibiting people's freedom of movement is a criminal offence. Members of the public are therefore cautioned against spreading such messages that seek to mobilise communities to respond to the shutdown,” it said.

NATJOINTS called on all people in South Africa to work together with law enforcement authorities to uphold and enforce the law.

“Any action aimed at contravening the law, will be dealt with accordingly within the ambit of the law. To this end, the NATJOINTS is calling for the co-operation of the public,” it said.

Law enforcement officers have been deployed and are on high alert to prevent and combat any forms of criminality, it said.

“The respective PROVJOINTS have been directed to ensure multi-disciplinary deployments and that the necessary contingency plans are in place.

“The NATJOINTS assures members of the public that enforcement of the law will be executed within relevant prescripts to ensure stability in the country,” said the statement.