The magical beauty of serums

Published Mar 12, 2019


Did you know that many Korean women use an 8 and 10-step skincare routine?

The 8-step routine in the morning, then the 10-step routine at night. 

You’re probably thinking that it’s a bit excessive, but Korean women are known to have the best skin in the world.

Now your usual 3-step - cleanse, tone and moisturise - routine seems so very simple. Especially if you're one of those ladies who skip the “tone” step entirely!

So when I tell you that there’s one (not five) more step you should seriously consider adding to your routine, you’ll be less inclined to dismiss the suggestion.

You’ll be happy to know that this is one of the steps in the 8-step Korean skincare routine. That’s the “apply serum” step.

Serums have become an essential skincare product.

What exactly is a serum? 

Face serums are lightweight with a high concentration of active ingredients that penetrates deep into the skin. The consistency is usually thin, runny and often oil-based. 

Here’s why you’ll want to use it: 

- Serums help to reduce the visible signs of ageing.

- It can help repair skin damage, pigmentation and soothe red skin.

- Reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

- Assists with collagen reproduction.

Because serums tend to be a bit pricey, you'll want to use it wisely to get the most out of the product, and you'll be happy to know that a little goes a long way. 

Here are the steps on how to use your serum and achieve that glow:


As with any skin routine, cleansing should always be your first step. You want to ensure that your skin is free from dead skin cells. Don’t hesitate to exfoliation your skin if necessary. If your skin isn’t clean the serum will simply sit on the skin and not penetrate as it should, which of course defeats the purpose. 


If your skin is slightly damp, the serum is able to penetrate even better. Mist your face lightly with a toner or facial mist. 

Be gentle:

Light patting is all you need when applying the serum. Pat a few drops into your skin then use your fingertips to gently massage it into your skin. Try not to rub it too much. This tends to move the product off your skin.


Before applying your moisturizer ensure that the serum is completely absorbed.

Serums we love: 

Crème Prodigieuse Boost Energising Priming Concentrate (R425.00)

Lamelle Correctives Vita-C Lipid Serum (R849)

AQ Skin Solutions Active Serum (R2234)

Mavala Aqua Plus multi-moisturizing Intensive Serum (R695)

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