WATCH: Woman paid an actor to pose as the groom for a fake wedding picture to make her ex jealous, but there’s a twist to the tale...

Noah marries her fake husband. Picture: TikTok

Noah marries her fake husband. Picture: TikTok

Published Jun 18, 2024


They say revenge is sweet, and in this case, it most certainly was.

A woman took to TikTok to share her revenge tale, but the ending has an unexpected twist that will leave you pleasantly surprised.

In a video that has been viewed over 16 million times, Noah shares what happened after she faked a wedding to get back at her ex for getting married.

Hopping on the current “I remember when I lost my mind” TikTok trend, she shares a picture of herself and a fake groom in what looks like a normal happy wedding snap.

The smiling “groom” is even holding a child in his arms.

However, the groom and the little boy, both dressed all in white in the wedding picture, were in fact paid actors.

Then comes the plot twist. The next image shows Noah and the “fake groom” in a different wedding ceremony image.

In this image, the same man is seen wearing a navy blue suit with the caption: “Plot twist: I fell in love with the [ninja emoji] and really married him.”

@111noah1111 #greenscreen i play entirely too much but i am dying at this trend 🤣![CDATA[]]>🤣![CDATA[]]>🤣 #fyp #crazy #irememberwhen ♬ Gnarls Barkley Crazy Stephen Kramer Glickman - Gustavo Rocque

If that isn’t amazing enough, the very next image shows her with three children merrily sitting in front of a Christmas tree captioned: “And gave birth to a 2 piece [drumstick emoji] and a biscuit. We adopted the paid actor baby.”

Over 13,000 people hopped into the comment section to share what they thought about her unusual story.

One person commented: “Took manifesting to a whole new level.”

“The universe really said reverse uno” laughed another.

“This could be a book or a movie,” said someone else.

Another agreed saying: “This is a movie that needs to be made.”

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