Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (Sep 4 – Sep 10)

Virgo start sign. Picture: Darkmoon_Art/Pixabay

Virgo start sign. Picture: Darkmoon_Art/Pixabay

Published Sep 4, 2022


Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Best Day: Monday 5th

With the Sun opposing Neptune this week, there’s not much happening in romance but, surprisingly, you shouldn’t feel lonely or unhappy.

Instead, you can look forward to being sheltered from the daily grind, with plenty of elbow room for introspection.

Don’t be surprised by sudden revelations – you live by your intuition, so use it to your advantage.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Best Day: Sunday 4th

When blessed with your ability to grasp cutting-edge concepts, go ahead and chase your ambitions.

This week, you become the trailblazer of the communications world. Name your direction, Taurus.

You can focus on fresh career goals, new courses of study or a new vocation. Relationships with your family also take a kinder turn.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Best Day: Saturday 10th

It’s a week to find peace and quiet, Gemini. Trust your instincts and understand that you need to give your mind, body and spirit time to rest and recover.

No matter how much you’re being pushed to take action, stop and be still. Calm your mind – stop it from racing. Failure to do so might result in a touch of ill health not far down the line.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Best Day: Sunday 4th

This week brings the kind of emotional stability you've been craving – a time when love and friendship take priority.

Your commitment to others deepens and you have come to realise how much you love them. Never again will you take your significant others for granted. Life, in general, also undergoes transformation.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Best Day: Tuesday 6th

With the Sun and Mercury hurling killer vibes at Saturn, some rivalry is heading your way.

The trouble is, fiery Leos don’t like being told what to do. All this could create conflict or misunderstandings. You might think you’re saying the right thing, but it’s coming out wrong. There are, however, people on your side, so recognise good advice when it’s given.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

Best Day: Saturday 10th

If there's one thing you've learnt recently, it's that you can survive – despite all the cliff-edge challenges you've had to endure.

You’re a survivor. Even when times get tough, earthy Virgos maintain their practicality and persistence – tremendous assets in this busy week when instinct and intellect make a powerful duo.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

Best Day: Friday 9th

This week, the planets encourage a more intuitive approach. A barrage of new thoughts and creative solutions fill your mind.

Just be wary of those who would exploit you. Don’t be influenced about how to feel, or what to believe. Stay true to you. Also remember: you can’t help those who refuse to be helped.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Best Day: Wednesday 7th

You can’t run, you can’t hide. No matter how many jobs you leave, the same old lessons will come bite you on the backside until you get it right.

You’ll know when it’s finally right when work feels like a joy, and not slavery. Romance gets a shake-up too. As Scorpio tastes might change suddenly, your partner must be savvy enough to follow along quickly.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Best Day: Thursday 8th

Finances and work share the same upward trend this week. Sometimes, though, it can be easy to waste opportunities, simply because over-optimism can lead to taking things for granted.

Plant the seeds of success now, so that they may grow taller and stronger in the months to come. Plenty of support comes from friends and family.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Best Day: Friday 9th

Change is coming, so sharpen your intellect and prepare. By week’s end, your ability to think differently allows you to develop innovative new concepts.

More to the point, you’re no longer prepared to be taken for granted and won’t hesitate in letting others know this. For singles, a new love affair promises to be more than just a casual fling.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Best Day: Monday 5th

This week, you have the planets on side. While the rest of us are trying to cope with our tedious lot, you’re spared similar frustrations.

Money looks plentiful, which makes a welcome change from recent cash embarrassment. Spend while the going’s good. Right now too, there’s much to be said for team effort.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Best Day: Thursday 8th

If you can placate rather than push, you’ll be fine. Unfortunately you’re in a stubborn mood and not open to others’ suggestions.

This week asks that you resolve any emotional issues. A tough ask, considering what’s been happening. Nonetheless, forgiveness of yourself and others can only lead to peace of mind.