The 4 best beer and pizza pairings you should know this International Beer and Pizza Day

Published Oct 9, 2022


October 9 is International Beer and Pizza Day, a day that celebrates the food combination of beer and pizza, which are both enjoyed all around the world. These both offer many varieties.

Beer and pizza go hand-in-hand and are enjoyed together quite often, but have you ever wondered how to pair the best beer with pizza? We have done our research and below are some of the best pairings you need to try this International Beer and Pizza Day.

Beer and pizza go hand-in-hand and are enjoyed together quite often. Picture: Pexels/Team Picfast

Margherita and pale ale

If you are one for simple Margherita pizza, try a pale ale. The ale’s malt flavour will complement the pizza’s toasty crust and balance out the acidity of the tomatoes. The lightness of the beer will also not drown out the subtle flavour of the mozzarella but rather push it to the forefront, allowing the cheese to be the centre of attention, as it should be.

Bacon and pineapple with brown ales

Bacon and pineapple pizza matches best with lagers and brown ales. The malt notes of a lager compliment the sweetness of the pineapple while the saltiness of the bacon contrasts the caramel undertones of a brown ale.

Beer and pizza go hand-in-hand and are enjoyed together quite often. Picture: Pexels/Kampus Productions

Buffalo chicken and amber lager

Buffalo chicken is a bold choice and should be met with its equivalent. An amber lager will embrace the hot and spicy with a nice malty finish. Robust with hints of caramel, a lager can hold its own against the sauce and ranch combos.

Veggie and IPA

The IPAs of today tend to be very green or veggie-oriented, so what better to pair with a garden-inspired pizza? Find an IPA with hops that lean green such as oniony or grassy. The vegetable hops will give crispness to the onions and peppers on the pizza.

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