‘Joe Barber Family Reunion’ is headed to Joburg

David Isaacs and Oscar Petersen of Joe Barber fame. Picture: Supplied

David Isaacs and Oscar Petersen of Joe Barber fame. Picture: Supplied

Published Jan 27, 2023


Cape Town’s favourite barber uncles are getting ready for the great trek to Johannesburg this April.

Joe Barber’s David Isaacs and Oscar Petersen announced show dates for their record-breaking sold out show, “Joe Barber’s Family Reunion”.

The show is headed to Emperors Palace from April 27 to 29.

The tour to Gauteng comes on the back of a wildly successful run in Cape Town that saw a record-breaking six nights with 31 000 Joe Barber fans in attendance.

“Joe Barber’s Family Reunion“ features the much-loved characters of “Boeta Joe”, “Boeta Gamat”, “Outjie”, “Washiela”, featuring David Isaacs and Oscar Petersen. It's the entire Joe Barber family back on stage in Johannesburg.

IOL Entertainment caught up with Oscar Petersen ahead the performance in Jozi.

“When we started this 23 years ago, we never thought there would still be so much love for these characters.

“We are seeing three generations of fans attending the shows. The connection remains strong as the characters have evolved, and we can't wait to get back to Gauteng,” said Petersen.

He added: “Its always exciting coming to Johannesburg, we think of them as our brothers, sisters and cousins whom we haven’t seen in a while. So its always fun to come back to Jozi.

“The stories stay the same, we share a piece of culture or of the world we understand and share it with the people who understand that world as well. We happen to come from a particular type of community that have a collective understanding of how things work.

“We might tweak a little word here or there to give it a local reference, our stories are kind of universal.”

Petersen, who plays the role of himself and “Outjie” said: “With us having gotten used to social media and the depths of the type of censorship that used to be around and that having changed over the years, I think we still have a kind of brand of humour and a brand of joke that resonates with the public, even more so now than in the past because as certain things become extinct they become more valuable, that’s what people appreciate about our shows.

“They like the humour, jokes and referencing, It brings them to a certain type of home in their minds, I say that because it happens to me when I recognise a certain humour that reminds me of my past or when I go back home.”

David Isaacs and Oscar Petersen of Joe Barber fame. Picture: Supplied

He concluded: “The highlights for me in the show, is when we plan to do something for the audience and they immediately get it, that’s the most satisfying moment.

“As a performer, you have those moments when you are not sure if something is going to resonate with people, or you think you might be going towards the edge of a certain type of censorship and then you prove yourself wrong or right and the audience responds.

“Expect to see a few surprising moments of where our characters are right now. Remember, our characters also live in real time and since Covid happened, we haven’t seen our audience for a while, it will feel like a proper reunion with the people you haven’t seen for a long time.

“That’s the most heart-warming part of the show, a refreshed version of a brand that people know.

“Based on what people asked for, they wanted more of the characters and now we also added Early B.”

Isaacs added: “Oscar and I have missed our Joe Barber family in Joburg so much, It’s always the greatest jol performing in Joburg. We look forward to reuniting with our family and friends. See you all at the Emperor's Palace.”

Tickets for the all-new Joe Barber stage show are on sale now from www.ticketmaster.co.za, starting from R200.